
Category archive: Director’s Corner

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Implementing “internal” reviews for the ILC Technical Design Phase

| 10 April 2008 Last week, the new Accelerator Advisory Panel (AAP) was introduced in NewsLine. This week, I follow up with a description of its role and why I believe it will improve the quality of our R&D and design efforts. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

The ILC in Osaka

| 3 April 2008 Last week, the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Japan was held on the Kinki University campus in Osaka, where I participated in a special symposium dedicated to the International Linear Collider. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

The next step towards the ILC – building a truly global team

| 27 March 2008 It has been roughly a year since the completion of the Reference Design Report (RDR) and the creation of a project-oriented design effort. It is reasonable, therefore, to look broadly over our accomplishments and the direction in which we are heading. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

Congratulations, it’s a PAC – scientific oversight for the GDE

| 20 March 2008 At their most recent meeting at DESY, the ILCSC reviewed our revised plans for the Technical Design Phase, taking into account the funding reductions from the UK and US. This important meeting established the foundation for our future work in the GDE and for the experimental community as they also enter into a new phase of their activities, calling for Expressions of Interest and Letters of Intent. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

The ILC Technical Design Phase begins at Sendai

| 13 March 2008 Last week the Global Design Effort held a major collaboration meeting at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan attended by more than 200 participants from both the ILC detector and accelerator efforts. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Science at Sendai

| 6 March 2008 The ILC community has gathered at Sendai in Japan this week for the joint Asian Committee for Future Accelerators (ACFA) Physics and Detector Workshop and Global Design Effort meeting. The opening session of the meeting was highlighted by a forward-looking science talk by Hitoshi Murayama. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

A plug-compatible approach toward a truly efficient international collaboration

| 28 February 2008 It has been eight months since I joined the ILC team as a project manager. I have been learning a lot and am impressed with research and development works achieved and with the knowledge and expertise each scientist or engineer has. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

Contemplating large international collaborations

| 21 February 2008 Lawrence Krauss, Case Western Reserve University, and Maria Spiropulu, CERN, organised a very provocative and interesting special session entitled, "Large-Scale International Collaborations and the Future of Physics." Category: Director's Corner | Tagged:

P5 – What goes around, comes around

| 14 February 2008 The initial P5 meeting took place at the beginning of February at Fermilab, and one session was entirely devoted to efforts globally and in the US towards a linear collider. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

US Budget: Reviving the ILC R&D programme

| 7 February 2008 President Bush released his budget request for the US fiscal year 2009 (FY09) earlier this week. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,