
Category archive: Feature

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Understanding something new — interview with Makoto Kobayashi

| 26 November 2008 It has been hectic days for Makoto Kobayashi, Professor emeritus at KEK, since 7 October, the announcement of 2008 Nobel Prize in physics. Now that one month has passed, Kobayashi finally gets to settle down a little (or he has gotten used to keeping up with a demanding schedule), he shared his time to talk about the future of accelerator science with ILC NewsLine. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

Pixel collaboration

13 November 2008 Plans are taking shape to form a new group to coordinate and stimulate R&D on monolithic and vertically integrated pixel detectors for scientific applications in high-energy physics and beyond. In a joint message, the directorates of CERN, KEK and Fermilab have offered their support. They suggested the formation of a regionally balanced coordination board to take this forward. From discussions in recent reviews and workshops, we think there is an opportunity for the many efforts underway worldwide to benefit a larger community. We already have strong collaborations for the development of vertical integration and monolithic active pixel sensors (MAPS). The new world-wide effort would build upon the existing collaborations and open the technology developments to other scientific areas. We will discuss how best to achieve this at upcoming meetings. Our suggestions will then be comunicated to the directorates of CERN, KEK and Fermilab. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , ,

From SLAC Today: ICFA Sharpens Focus on the Energy Frontier

6 November 2008 "Particle physics is at a crossroads," said Chairperson Albrecht Wagner of the International Committee for Future Accelerators, in the opening moments of the ninth ICFA Seminar last Tuesday in Kavli Auditorium. "The Standard Model stands triumphant," Wagner said, "yet incomplete." Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

Linear collider collaborations meet

| 30 October 2008 The ILC-CLIC (International Linear Collider - Compact Linear Collider Study) collaboration was started earlier this year at CERN. It consists of five working groups which are led by conveners from both projects. Collaboration mandates and activities were defined with an eye toward this autumn’s workshops: the CLIC08 workshop, held at CERN from 14 to 17 October and the ILC-LCWS08, to be held in the middle of next month in Chicago. CLIC08 was the first time the group met face to face since the collaboration and its working groups were established. The collaboration is intended to serve two basic purposes: firstly to allow a more efficient use of resources, especially engineers, and secondly to promote communication between the two project teams. Of course, face-to-face meetings tend to be more effective than tele-conferencing, so many excellent opportunities for direct, informal, discussion arose between the two teams and we made good progress toward our second purpose. Since the framework of the meeting was the CLIC08 workshop, the agenda naturally focused on CLIC challenges and plans with specific collaboration highlights having a key, but minor overall role. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

A tunnel for (module) dummies

30 October 2008 It feels like the real accelerator tunnel, but it’s only building 71 at DESY in Hamburg. It’s basically a tube made of concrete, 51 metres long and 5.20 metres in diameter. One accelerator module hangs from the top of the tube, water pipes, cable trays and ventilation ducts are installed and other accelerator parts stand around on the tunnel floor. All these are dummies, some even made of wood, but they are life-size dummies in building 71: the European XFEL mock-up tunnel. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

From Jefferson Lab News: ILC Electron Source Gets Help from JLab

23 October 2008 With the activation of the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider, some particle physicists are now looking forward to the next big machine. For many, that's the International Linear Collider. The ILC aims to break new ground in particle physics by slamming a beam of electrons into a beam of the electron's alter ego: the positron. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

Asian ILC researchers gathered in Korea

| 23 October 2008 From 29 to 30 September, the second Asia ILC R&D Seminar was held at Kyungpook National University (KNU) in Korea with help from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Core University Program and the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation. This workshop aimed to review the progress of R&D for the ILC accelerator in Asia region, and to promote regional and inter-regional collaborations on the accelerator and active participations from individual countries to ILC, focusing on the installation schedule and preparation for commissioning. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

Higgs makes for exotic couples

9 October 2008 Much of the history of particle physics has been devoted almost exclusively to finding out what our bodies are made of. We first learned about protons and electrons and neutrons because they constitute the matter that makes up our bodies, and we learned of photons (light) because it interacts with our bodies when we see. Up and down quarks are the constituents of protons and neutrons, and they are held together by gluons, carriers of the strong force. Neutrons turn into protons through the weak force. Thus, everything we study has a close connection to our physical bodies. Even exotic particles, such as charm quarks or tau leptons are merely nearly exact copies of particles that make up our bodies: only their masses are different. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

World beam test tour at Fermilab

| 2 October 2008 The International Linear Collider requires a detector with excellent performance to fully exploit its physics potential. In order to meet this challenge, significant improvements in the calorimetric performance are needed compared to previous generations of detectors, and new technologies and techniques are being developed. To test those technologies and techniques with particle beams, scientists are travelling around the world, to where beamlines with particle beams for tests are available. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

Accelerator community communicates

| 25 September 2008 On Wednesday, 24 September, KEK held a symposium entitled “Starting up the world's most powerful accelerators: LHC and J-PARC” in Tokyo. This symposium was the second one in a series of symposiums aiming for gaining more understanding of accelerator science. The main audience of this symposium was the industry. “We would like to place an emphasis on the collaboration between industry, the universities and the laboratories which enable those big accelerator projects,” said Mitsuaki Nozaki, the chief organiser of the symposium. “I believe that efforts like these are essential to realise another big accelerator project in the future, such as the ILC,” he added. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,