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Impressions from Iwate

| 8 December 2016 Wish you were in Iwate for last LCWS2016 workshop? Here are some impressions of Iwate, proposed region for the International Linear Collider. More than 320 participants from around the world gathered for one week to discuss the latest R&D developments, the linear collider physics case, detectors and accelerators and project management updates for the linear collider. Scientists were warmly welcomed by an enthusiastic local community of ILC supporters. They were also honoured by the presence and speeches of distinguished guests from the Japanese Federation of Diet Members and Iwate officials. - View slideshow - Lost in Tohoku? Please make sure to check our big Kitakami Iwate Tohoku Glossary - Didn't have a chance to visit the candidate site? Check our special 2014 issue of LCNewsLine: "The ILC guide to Kitakami" and make sure to visit the ILC Kitakami website. Category: Slideshow | Tagged: , , , , , ,

Kitakami slideshow

20 February 2014 We're ending this travel diary with a few of the hundreds of pictures we took during this trip to Tohoku. Have a glance, and discover what the region looks like, as if you were there.

Impressions from the 2013 Linear Collider Workshop in Tokyo

| 21 November 2013 Did you miss last week's International Workshop on Future Linear Collider LCWS 2013 but wish you'd been there? Or were you one of the over 300 participants who discussed the physics case for a high energy linear electron-positron collider at the University of Tokyo? Whatever your motivation, here is a slideshow with some impression from the intense five-day meeting. Accelerator experts and detector developers reviewed progress of the designs of ILC and CLIC and their detectors, looked closely at the latest Higgs results from the LHC and discussed possible future scenarios for turning the linear collider into a real project with a host. Category: Slideshow | Tagged: ,

Impressions from Hamburg

| 30 May 2013 How do you keep a bunch of physicists and engineers entertained? Give them a sense of accomplishment ("we've finished the Technical Design Report!"), a challenge ("how can we tackle the problems of the next phase?"), a sense of momentum (good signals from Japan for potentially hosting the ILC). And a bag of gummy bears. This year's first big linear collider workshop, ECFA LC2013, is in full swing at DESY in Hamburg, and more than 300 people are busy discussing results and the future. Here are some impressions. Category: Slideshow | Tagged:

Impressions from LCWS12

| 25 October 2012 Linear Collider Workshops have broken records in the past - not only in number of parallel sessions held, but also in visitor numbers for particle slams, for example. Wednesday saw another such record: 1200 people attended Steven Weinberg's lecture at the University of Texas in Arlington, which was the public event for the LCWS12 workshop. The venue had never held so many people before. Category: Slideshow | Tagged:

Impressions from Daegu, Korea

26 April 2012 This week, linear collider researchers meet in Daegu, Korea for KILC12. Among other topics, they discussed the final production stages of the Detailed Baseline Design and Technical Design Report. To top it all off, conference organisers are treating attendees to their choice of excursions through the vibrant city of Daegu. Category: Slideshow | Tagged: ,

Tevatron tribute

3 November 2011 On 30 September, LCWS11 was winding down in Granada, Spain. On the other side of the world, the Tevatron shut down after 28 years of operation. Fermilab celebrated the life of the collider with a lab-wide ceremony and party. Category: Slideshow | Tagged: ,

Jean-Pierre Delahaye retires

27 October 2011 Earlier this month Jean-Pierre Delahaye retired as CERN's CLIC Study Leader. A reception was held in his honour at CERN. Category: Slideshow | Tagged:

Impresiones from Granada

29 September 2011 Linear collider researchers meet for five days this week in the grand Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos in Granada, Spain for the second International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders. Though a few local newspaper headlines would have readers believe that LCWS11 scientists debated the true velocity of muon neutrinos, conference attendees were far more interested in the particulars of the next precision particle collider. The conference organisers and its host, Universidad de Granada, also put together a vibrant social programme that included a public lecture by LAL Orsay's François Richard titled, "Viaje al corazón de la materia," and a visit to the grand, ornate Alhambra palace. [nggallery id=4 images=47] Category: Slideshow | Tagged: , , , ,

Electron beam welding machine arrives at KEK

21 April 2011 KEK received its new electron beam welding machine from a German company last week. It will be installed in the laboratory's Cavity Production Pilot Plant. Images: Nobu Toge Category: Slideshow | Tagged: , ,