
Tag archive: quench

LHC commissioning continues in spite of obstacles

| 14 May 2015 After almost two years of major work on the machine and its detectors, the Large Hadron Collider is in the middle of the so-called commissioning phase. During the roughly two months of commissioning, the operators check out every little system in the large complex that is the LHC. LCC Director and former LHC project leader Lyn Evans watches and learns from the sidelines. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,


| 4 October 2012 What is a quench? Everything has a limit—superconducting cavities are no exception. Physicists put voltage in their superconducting cavities to boost the energy of particles. But it’s possible to ask for too much from a cavity. When this happens, the cavity fails: the superconducting material becomes normal-conducting, the voltage collapses and the energy escapes. This is called a quench. Category: LCpedia | Tagged: , ,