18 October 2012
Drivers stuck in a traffic jam in Ichinoseki city are more likely to wonder about the mysteries of the Universe than about the latest Hollywood movie - at least if they take in the billboards at the side of the road. Japan's Iwate prefecture in the Tohoku region in the north of the country boasts a road sign underlining the region's interest in hosting the ILC.
Image of the week | Tagged:
ILC hosting, ILC site, Japan, Tohoku
11 October 2012
The third issue of Accelerating News, a quarterly online publication for the accelerator community in Europe and beyond, looks towards the future: after the LHC as the world's first Higgs production place, what could a real factory look like? What's the plan for neutrinos? Written by the experts, the newsletter gives a broad overview.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CLIC, EuCARD, European Strategy for Particle Physics, Higgs factory, ILC
Image: DESY | 4 October 2012
Linear collider detector experts get it straight - a vision of the XFEL tunnel that is. CLIC detector engineers from CERN visited DESY last week to discuss detector challenges such as earthquake stability, alignment, assembly planning and the construction of the detector's magnet yoke with their colleagues from the ILC's ILD detector. They also visited the tunnel for the European XFEL that is currently being constructed.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CLIC, detector R&D, European XFEL, ILC, tunnel
Image: DESY, Marco Urban | 27 September 2012
Chancellor Angela Merkel visited DESY on 19 September for a hall baptism: the experimental hall of DESY's light source PETRA III is now officially named Max von Laue, after the discoverer of diffraction of X-rays. DESY DG Helmut Dosch presents the German chancellor (who was a physicist before she became a politician) with a miniature accelerator cavity. In her speech, Merkel stressed the importance of fundamental research, freedom of science and the importance to communicate results. Check DESY's press release for more links, the chancellor's full speech (in German) and images.
Image of the week | Tagged:
DESY, Max von Laue, PETRA III
Image: RISP Information and Collaboration Team | 20 September 2012
Fermilab has a new collaboration centre: on 27 August the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Rare Isotope Science Project of Korea's Institute for Basic Science opened the Korea-US Collaboration Center for Accelerator Science.
Image of the week | Tagged:
Fermilab, Korea, RISP, SCRF
13 September 2012
There will be a special linear collider event during this year's IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium in Anaheim, US. Industry, accelerator experts and linear collider researchers from around the world gather to discuss technologies and possibilities.
Around the World | Tagged:
IEEE, LC event
6 September 2012
A recent workshop reviewed the latest experiences with the phenomenon of electron clouds at the LHC and other accelerators. Electron clouds – abundantly generated in accelerator vacuum chambers by residual-gas ionization, photoemission and secondary emission – can affect the operation and performance of hadron and lepton accelerators in a variety of ways. They can induce increases in vacuum pressure, beam instabilities, beam losses, emittance growth, reductions in the beam lifetime or additional heat loads on a (cold) chamber wall.
Feature | Tagged:
beam emittance, CesrTA, damping ring, electron cloud
30 August 2012
A team at CERN has drawn inspiration from calorimetry methods developed for high-energy physics to create a new positron-emission tomography system for use in medical imaging, which they’ve dubbed AX-PET. With support from European and American laboratories, the project is reaching fruition, as initial tests confirm its promise.
Around the World | Tagged:
calorimeter, CERN, photon detector, SiPM, technology transfer
Image: ILC, Heiner Müller-Elsner | 30 August 2012
Are you giving a talk about the ILC, cavities, S(C)RF or linac design and are looking for images that haven't been used a million times? A 17-image series following the life of a cavity from niobium ingot to finished cryomodule is now available on the Interactions image bank.
Image of the week | Tagged:
cavity, image, interactions
Image: ILC / form one | 23 August 2012
The damping rings have the right shape, transfer lines, sources, detectors and linacs are in their proper places – the ILC overview graphic has been updated in time for the Technical Design Report. Use it to explain the ILC and your area of expertise in talks, put it into your papers or simply print it out and hang it up - but please feel free to use it!
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