Tag archive: SiPM
Barbara Warmbein | 31 May 2018
Particle physics will always need calorimeters, so particle physicists are always trying to optimise, tweak and update their calorimeter systems for the best possible measurements. The CALICE collaboration plays a leading role in this, and their most recent prototype for a hadronic calorimeter has just been completed and is now at CERN for a round of tests in the test beam.
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CALICE, CERN, CNRS/IN2P3, DESY, detector R&D, Max-Planck-Institute for Phyisics, OMEGA, Pragu, SiPM, Uni hamburg, Uni Mainz, University of Bristol, Wuppertal
Barbara Warmbein | 17 September 2015
Particle detectors need to be at the forefront of technology in order to capture particle collisions in great detail and quick succession. R&D projects for upgrades of existing detectors or future ones are busy around the world, and sometimes the technologies developed and studied in these projects can help out in others. LC NewsLine has two examples.
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Belle-II, CALICE, CAST, CERN, DEPFET, detector R&D, InGrid, KEK, MPI, SiPM, technology transfer, TPC
30 August 2012
A team at CERN has drawn inspiration from calorimetry methods developed for high-energy physics to create a new positron-emission tomography system for use in medical imaging, which they’ve dubbed AX-PET. With support from European and American laboratories, the project is reaching fruition, as initial tests confirm its promise.
Around the World | Tagged:
calorimeter, CERN, photon detector, SiPM, technology transfer
Barbara Warmbein | 11 March 2010
A team from the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich just found scientific evidence for the old saying that less is more. By shaving off a piece of scintillating tile, they achieved test results that were considerably better than tests with a tile that was complete. The trick: stick a silicon photomultiplier into the shaved-off groove, rather than just on the outside of the tile. “After quite a few iterations, we came up with a shape for the plastic tile that works extremely well. It also now includes a SiPM that is embedded into the tile, which is important for a realistic calorimeter since then the individual cells can be placed edge on edge, without any gaps between them,” explains the team leader Frank Simon. Frank Simon is also an active blogger on Quantum Diaries, and one of his most recent entries features an explanation of tiles, fibres and photomultipliers and how they came up with the idea of reshaping the tile.
Feature | Tagged:
CALICE, scintillator, SiPM
Barbara Warmbein | 25 February 2010
Sometimes detector projects that are still at a planning stage can tell detector projects that are already taking data what hardware to use. This is certainly the case when the R&D project has been using, trying and testing a technology that the 'old hand' is considering for its upgrade: a relatively new type of sensor called Silicon Photo Multiplier, or SiPM, developed in Russia. A meeting brought experts from all areas that use SiPMs together at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, for two days earlier this week.
Around the World | Tagged:
CALICE, DESY, HCal, Silicon Photo Multiplier, SiPM
Barbara Warmbein | 19 April 2007
Not many people see an immediate connection between exploring the origins of the Universe and finding cancer cells. Nicola d'Ascenzo and his colleagues sure do. In their work to test photo sensors as potential candidates for an ILC hadronic calorimeter they have come across a sensor that could be extremely interesting for positron emission tomography or PET, an imaging techniques that identifies cancerous cells in a body by detecting emitted gamma rays.
Around the World | Tagged:
CALICE, DESY, detector R&D, MPPC, SiPM
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