24 July 2014
A global strategy for particle physics is taking shape, one world region at a time. Featuring colliders that smash particles at higher energies than ever before, and gigantic experiments to study the smallest components of matter, this future will lead to breakthrough discoveries at facilities around the globe.
Feature | Tagged:
European Strategy for Particle Physics, P5 report
3 July 2014
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world, has started to get ready for its second three-year run. Cool down of the vast machine has already begun in preparation for research to resume early in 2015 following a long technical stop to prepare the machine for running at almost double the energy of run 1. The last LHC magnet interconnection was closed on 18 June 2014 and one sector of 1/8 of the machine has already been cooled to operating temperature. The accelerator chain that supplies the LHC’s particle beams is currently starting up, with beam in the proton synchrotron accelerator last Wednesday for the first time since 2012.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator, CERN, LHC, LS1
3 July 2014
"The portrait of the Brout-Englert-Higgs boson we have today is still a very rough sketch," says Juan Fuster in the ICHEP newsletter published today. The 37th International Conference on High-Energy Phyiscs ICHEP started this week in Valencia, Spain. Follow what's being discussed by checking the schedule or watch the webcast on Saturday 5 July. The first newsletter is available here.
5 June 2014
Thanks to science, we get more for less. We get more features on a newer car model, more data and information stored on a computer, and all for the same or lowered cost. That same principle applies to accelerator R&D, where improving the performance and lowering the cost can help open doors to new ideas. The Department of Energy recently named Fermilab physicist and 2013 Peoples Fellow Anna Grassellino as a recipient of the prestigious Early Career Research Award for her work to develop particle accelerator cavities that have improved performance and are less expensive to operate.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, DOE, SCRF, superconducting cavity
22 May 2014
The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel’s report, released today, recommends a strategic path forward for US particle physics, reports Kathryn Jepsen in symmetry magazine.
Around the World | Tagged:
DOE, HEPAP, High Energy Physics, P5 report, US strategy
22 May 2014
Last week, members of the Linear Collider Collaboration met at Fermilab to discuss the progress and future of the proposed International Linear Collider, as well as of CERN's Compact Linear Collider, during the Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders. At the workshop, scientists and engineers involved in the ILC discussed both their recent successes and the work still to be done to make the 18-mile-long electron-positron collider a reality. Read more
22 May 2014
This issue of LC NewsLine may come a bit later than usual, but it also comes full of the latest news from the US strategy process along with commentary from the American directors in the Linear Collider Collaboration, Harry Weerts and Mike Harrison, on what the P5 recommendations mean for the linear collider. Download the draft P5 report here.
1 May 2014
This week, the German LC Forum took place at the University of Bonn. The LC Forum was initiated by the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale“ to provide a regular discussion platform for all aspects of linear colliders – accelerator, detectors, physics. The meeting was held in the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics and yielded lively discussion, also in preparation of the American Linear Collider Workshop. Among the focus topics were for example beam polarisation, characterisation of dark matter particles at the ILC, and recent results on LC detector R&D.
Image of the week | Tagged:
German linear collider forum, polarisation
17 April 2014
How do foreigners get around in Japan and where will they settle when (if) the ILC is being built and operated? In this visit to Kitakami-part 2, you will be introduce to the coolness of the ILC Kitakami candidate site (don't miss the videos inside!). For an introduction and a glossary, don't miss the first chapter in the 20 February 2014 issue of LC NewsLine.
Image: Ichinoseki city | 17 April 2014
If you ever come to the Kitakami region and visit the ILC candidate site in Japan, you may well stop or change over at Ichinoseki station (Ichinoseki-eki). Since a few weeks, local people and the visitors can view an ILC booth in the station, providing information about the ILC project and candidate site. Read more...
Image of the week | Tagged:
Ichinoseki City, ILC, Iwate Prefecture, Kitakami site, outreach
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