
Author archive: Leah Hesla

Power to the cryomodule

| 28 July 2011 Cryomodule 1 at Fermilab is now being powered as a complete, multi-cavity instrument. Scientists will subject it to superconducting radiofrequency tests over the coming weeks. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

Achieving cavity resonance

| 7 July 2011 Keeping accelerating cavities tuned to the right frequency requires continual, gentle hammering by a little device called a piezoelectric tuner. DESY scientists have mastered the art and science of applying the piezo to cavities, bringing them to within several ten-thousandths a percent of the desired frequency. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , ,

All aboard the long bunch train

| 30 June 2011 Learning to stabilise a particle beam of longer pulses such as those needed for the ILC requires diligence, patience and practice. ILC and FLASH scientists share the fruits of all three at the recent workshop on long bunch trains. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , ,

Concrete plans for a platform

| 23 June 2011 Linear collider collaborators are on board with the use of two platforms to move the ILC’s two colossal detectors in and out of the particle beamline. Now they work to design them so the detectors' rides are as smooth as possible. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , ,

The 12-GeV upgrade of Jefferson Lab’s CEBAF accelerator

| 9 June 2011 Last month Jefferson Lab, instrumental in developing SCRF technology for the ILC, took a critical step in a five-year upgrade of its CEBAF accelerator. Once complete, the machine will be able to accelerate electron beams to energies of up to 12 GeV, allowing researchers to chart, with ever greater depth and resolution, the map of the nucleon. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

The DHCAL expansion

| 12 May 2011 The Digital Hadron Calorimeter offers high-resolution images of particle showers. With the help of hundreds of thousands of readout pads, tiny pieces of each charged particle’s path within hadronic showers are recorded. The DHCAL brings scientists not only detailed images, but now also complete ones, having expanded its potential in recent months by tens of thousands of additional readout channels. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

Impersonating bulk niobium

| 5 May 2011 Anything bulk niobium can do, thin films can do better. At least, that’s the hope of Jefferson Laboratory scientists, who are currently exploring a method that would allow them to create customisable thin niobium films. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , , ,

A conformal approach to cavity coating

| 28 April 2011 Argonne researchers are working to coat accelerator cavities with perfectly uniform atomic layers of niobium. The thin film technology could help slash production and operation costs in particle accelerator programmes while boosting accelerator performance. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , ,

The sound of accelerator cavities

| 21 April 2011 Elegant and inexpensive, the second-sound detection system developed at Cornell University helps scientists triangulate the location of hard-to-see accelerator cavity flaws. Helium helps. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , , , , ,

Seamless cavity performance

| 7 April 2011 Fermilab and Jefferson Lab redouble efforts on hydroformed cavities through R&D and industrialisation. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , , , , ,