Leah Hesla | 31 March 2011
Eugene, Oregon played host to the first-ever physics slam in the United States. By all accounts, it was a runaway success.
Feature | Tagged:
ALCPG, ALCPG11, outreach, public event
Leah Hesla | 10 March 2011
The ILC’s flux-concentrating magnet operates much like someone in a high-intensity interval workout: it fires for only a small fraction of the time, but when it does, it takes a beating. Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have finished the intense work of designing the flux concentrator, modelling its operation and potential hurdles.
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flux concentrator, flux-concentrating magnet, Lawrence Livermore, LLNL, positron source
Leah Hesla | 3 March 2011
A Fermilab team places water and pebble-like materials in a niobium accelerating cavity and spins it around like a carnival ride. As they do, they hope to perfect the recipe for achieving not only a high gradient, but a mirror-like finish every time.
Category: Uncategorized | Tagged:
Leah Hesla | 24 February 2011
With his feet firmly planted on Cornell university ground and certain clouds permanently in his head, Mark Palmer is a key figure in the ILC's battle against an unwanted phenomenon called electron cloud. Learn more about him and his work in this profile.
Profile | Tagged:
CesrTA, Cornell University, electron cloud
Leah Hesla | 10 February 2011
Scientists from the Cockcroft Institute, Daresbury Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory work on a rotating positron target for the ILC that can hold its own while producing about 1014 positrons per second for collisions with electrons.
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Cockcroft Insitute, Daresbury Laboratory, positron source, positron target, wheel
Leah Hesla | 3 February 2011
Though it doesn’t sound like a way to tidy up, the alliteratively named klystron cluster could be the mechanism that helps streamline the large-scale design of the ILC. Scientists at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in the US are currently developing the klystron cluster scheme, a new kind power-delivery system for radio frequency cavities that distributes power from a common conduit.
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KCS, klystron, klystron cluster, single tunnel, SLAC
Leah Hesla | 27 January 2011
The idea behind recycling is straightforward: reuse what you have to make more of the same. Applying this concept, however, is seldom simple. In the case of Cornell University's Energy Recovery Linac (ERL), recycling energy to generate particle beams requires technological advancements that are born from decades of research. If scientists there fulfil their mission, they'll be able to use particle beams to accelerate particle beams, producing some of the brightest bunches to be made by an accelerator.
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Cornell, energy recovery linac, ERL
Leah Hesla | 13 January 2011
Lately, scientific communities are in need of higher-energy light particles. To do this, scientists are extending the existing technology of undulator magnets, or undulators. The device uses magnets to wiggle a particle beam into giving up light, which can then be used for a whole host of scientific applications.
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accelerator R&D, Argonne, Daresbury, positron souce, Rutherford-Appleton, undulator, undulator magnet
Leah Hesla | 6 January 2011
Scientists at the ILC who deal in matters positively charged have a new go-to guy: Wei Gai. This month, Gai assumes the role of the ILC's Positron Technical Area Group Leader (Positron TAGL). He takes over the position from Jim Clarke at the Science & Technology Facilities Council/Daresbury Laboratory in the UK, who has given up the role because of the UK's changing programme priorities.
Leah Hesla | 9 December 2010
Years of effort by more than 100 staff members at Fermilab have led to the cooldown of Cryomodule 1 at the laboratory's SRF Accelerator Test Facility. At 11 a.m. on Nov. 22, liquid helium flowed through CM1, cooling it to 2 Kelvin (-271° C).
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cryomodule, Fermilab, SRF cryomodule