
Author archive: Tatsuya Nakada

About Tatsuya Nakada

Tatsuya Nakada (EPFL) is the Chair of Executive Board in the ILC International Development Team.

IDT input to the European Strategy2025 is a crucial year for planning – and drafting – the future

| 30 January 2025 As Europe updates its strategy for the future of high-energy physics with a special focus on the next flagship machine at CERN, there will be several input documents about linear collider facilities, says Tatsuya Nakada – both in Japan and in Europe.

Decision to host: the ILC chicken or egg story

| 29 September 2023 While cooperation in technology is advancing with CERN joining the ILC Technology Network, and the ILC being generally ready to start further development work, there’s a lack of progress on political aspects like international discussions at a governmental level, the International Committee for Future Accelerators learnt at the recent meeting in Australia. IDT Chair Tatsuya Nakada reports on the ILC aspects. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

New tasks for the International Development Team

| 17 August 2022 If things had gone according to plan, the ILC would now be in its Pre-lab phase and the mandate for the International Development Team (IDT) concluded. But situation changes and plans need to be adjusted. Over the next year, IDT will strengthen efforts for advances in technology and preparation through a new network of laboratories around the world. Additionally, a newly formed group of experts will discuss intensively how a truly global accelerator project should be realised and seek a dialog with government authorities.

IUPAP Statement on the events occurring in Ukraine

| 22 March 2022 The International Development Team shares the statement about the current tragic war situation in Ukraine made by the IUPAP Executive Council, to which IDT is connected. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

All eyes on ICFA

| 8 February 2022 Almost one and half year has passed since the ILC International development Team was formed with the aim to prepare the ILC Preparatory Laboratory. In the coming months, we will explore and develop ideas for the Pre-lab implementation to provide information necessary for the ICFA discussion.

ILC Preparatory Laboratory proposal released

| 1 June 2021 After ten months of work, the ILC International Development Team, mandated to prepare the ILC Preparatory Laboratory, is reaching the first milestone with the release of a proposal which outlines the organisational framework, an implementation model and work plan of the Pre-lab. Many scientists contributed to this effort, showing the great interest of the community in the ILC project. A signal from the Japanese government towards indicating its interest in hosting the ILC and supporting the Pre-lab would now be required for gaining stronger engagement of interested laboratories around the world. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

A team effort for a new collider

| 25 September 2020 Tatsuya Nakada, freshly appointed chair of the newly founded ILC International Development Team, gives his view on the next 18 months in which the IDT will prepare for a Pre-Lab. It’s an ambitious plan, he says, but the overall atmosphere of the Team is very positive. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,