Barbara Warmbein | 28 June 2012A new integration technology that could also be used in the ILC detectors will soon serve as a node point for connecting several German and international institutes and universities in the common goal to develop fast, efficient and reliable detector components in the Helmholtz Detector Technology and Systems Platform. The unusual aspect of the collaboration: these detectors are not only for Higgs- and SUSY-hunting apparatus for particle physics, but also for more compact and more targeted devices for use in light sources.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: 3-D silicon technology, DESY, Helmholtz Association, particle physics, photon science
Qian Pan | 7 June 2012Last week, China’s second Linear Collider Workshop was held in Beijing to discuss how China can join in the pre-research and future construction of ILC project more constructively. A unanimous consensus was reached that China should play an active role in ILC international cooperation and key-technology R&D on accelerator and detectors should be further pushed ahead.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: Asia, China, China Linear Collider Workshop
Barbara Warmbein | 24 May 2012There’s no doubt that the life of a cavity is exciting – lots of power, whizzing particles, superconductivity, the lot. How does it get there, what are the stations of its life? A new photo series is in production that follows a cavity from niobium ingot to cryomodule, and an exhibition of these images opens next week at DESY in Germany.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: cavity, SCRF
Leah Hesla | 19 April 2012Out with the old, in with the new! Having completed a successful run of tests on Cryomodule 1, Fermilab researchers remove it from its current home and install Cryomodule 2. The new device’s components have shown promise, and with the experience from the earlier cryomodule brought to bear on the next, the team hopes to realise the ILC gradient goals at Fermilab before long.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: CM1, CM2, cryomodule, Fermilab, SRF cryomodule
Rika Takahashi | 12 April 2012You may know Akira Yamamoto as an ILC Project Manager. Already head of KEK’s cryogenics science centre, he is now wearing a third hat for the next Japanese fiscal year, as he has just been appointed new head of KEK's Linear Collider Project Office.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: KEK
22 March 2012At the biggest particle physics winter conference, the Rencontres de Moriond held in La Thuile in Italy from 3-17 March, scientists presented loads of new results, including some on the search for the Higgs boson and on new physics beyond the Standard Model. The CERN Bulletin covered some of these results in last week's edition. Impact of a Higgs boson on supersymmetry | Uncertain signals from the Higgs boson | Straight to the Top | Direct and indirect searches make the whole picture | Searches for Dark Matter, SUSY and other exotic particles | Addressing symmetry breaking and mass hierarchy | Seeing less would be just as good | New physics further constrained by LHCb results
Category: Around the World | Tagged: Higgs, Moriond, particle physics