Barry Barish | 7 April 2011The International Linear Collider Steering Committee met in Beijing in February and carried out their review of the Global Design Effort progress. They also had lively and informative discussions regarding the future of the worldwide efforts towards the ILC and beyond 2012.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: GDE, ILCSC
Jean-Pierre Delahaye | 31 March 2011Is it possible to build a strong, long-term and globally coordinated accelerator R&D programme? Most probably, and Jean-Pierre Delahaye wishes to. In this week’s director’s corner, he explains how, referring to a review of new accelerator projects he presented at ICHEP2010 conference in Paris last year.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: accelerator R&D, GDE
Barry Barish and Maura Barone | 24 March 2011Welcome to the new ILC Newsline! This is the first issue of a new style, with a modern look and feel, new logo, more cohesive page design and navigation, and added features and functionalities. Take a tour of the renewed ILC Newsline.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ILC NewsLine
Barry Barish | 17 March 2011On behalf of the Global Design Effort for the International Linear Collider, I would like to convey our deepest care and sympathy to the citizens of Japan and to our physics colleagues and collaborators for the tragedy that your country has suffered as a result of the earthquake and tsunami last week.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: earthquake, Japan
Toshiaki Tauchi | 24 February 2011Two periods dedicated to beam tuning and beam size studies at KEK's Accelerator Test Facility ATF2, built to test the ILC's final focus system, have brought researchers a step closer to achieving the ILC's demanding beam parameters. Executive Committee member Toshiaki Tauchi reports on the studies.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: beam tuning
Barry Barish | 10 February 2011What is the ILC future programme beyond the Technical Design Report? How does the ILC project move forward if the decision on a linear collider construction project is delayed a few years? These questions and many others were addressed during the last Funding Agencies for Large Colliders meeting held on 22 January at SLAC, US.
Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: FALC, future, SLAC, TDR