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Become a signatory of the Detailed Baseline Design report

24 January 2013 We invite you to sign the Detailed Baseline Design (DBD) report of the ILC detectors, which now exists as a nearly final draft. It summarises the R&D achievements of the ILC Letter-of-Intent period. The contents reflect the many contributions of very many collaborators. While this draft is undergoing minor revision following the recent review by the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) and the ILC Project Advisory Committee, it is almost in the final form. A list of signatories will be included in the report. We wish to include those who contributed already in any way or who wish to join the activity in the next stage. We also would like to include names of anyone who supports advancing further the world ILC effort. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

Members of new Linear Collider Board announced

10 January 2013 [caption id="attachment_25486" align="alignright" width="300"] Sachio Komamiya of the University of Tokyo appointed as a chair of the new Linear Collider Board , which will promote and oversee the development of a linear collider and its detectors as a world-wide collaborative project.[/caption] Pier Oddone, the Chair of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) announced yesterday the membership of the new Linear Collider Board (LCB), which as a sub-panel of ICFA will promote and oversee the development of a linear collider and its detectors as a world-wide collaborative project. The recently appointed Linear Collider Director, Lyn Evans, will report to the LCB. The LCB member are: Chair - Sachio Komamiya (University of Tokyo) Americas - Jonathan Bagger (Johns Hopkins University) - The Fermilab Director (currently Pier Oddone) - David MacFarlane (SLAC) - Lia Merminga (TRIUMF) - Hugh Montgomery (Jefferson Lab) Asia - Jie Gao (IHEP, Beijing) - Rohini Godbole (Indian Institute of Science) - Sunkee Kim (RISP) - Atsuto Suzuki (KEK) - Yifang Wang (IHEP, Beijing) Europe - The CERN Director-General (currently Rolf Heuer) - The DESY Director of Particle Physics (currently Joachim Mnich) - Francois Le Diberder (IN2P3) - The JINR Director (currently Victor Matveev) - Lenny Rivkin (PSI) Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

Press Release: International Linear Collider completes draft of its design report

20 December 2012 Tokyo, 15 December. The draft of the Technical Design Report (TDR) for the planned International Linear Collider ILC was handed over to Jonathan Bagger, the chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC), at an official ceremony in Tokyo, Japan, on 15 December. This draft is the product of many years of research and development and a series of in-depth technical reviews for the ILC, the potential next-generation particle collider to complement and advance beyond the physics of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The handing over of the TDR draft marks the ILC's major step towards the completion of its final design. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

Cryo conveyor belt

| 21 November 2012 An industrial study commissioned by the Global Design Effort in collaboration with experts from CERN gives a clearer picture of how cryomodules for the ILC could be mass-produced by industry. The study, whose results were recently presented at a meeting between accelerator experts from different labs. A similar study has looked at cavity serial production. One of the scientists leading the cryomodule study, Vittorio Parma from CERN, was the driving force behind the cryostat assembly for 2000 cryomagnets for CERN’s Large Hadron Collider between 2003 and 2008 and thus predestined to lend his experience to the project. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , ,

From Fermilab Today: This week’s FALC meeting

21 November 2012 Pier Oddone reports from the latest meeting of FALC at Fermilab. "It is a particularly interesting time for this organization with the discovery at CERN of a Higgs-like particle and the statements by the Japanese high-energy physics community of their strong desire to host the International Linear Collider in Japan. While the Japanese government has not issued a formal statement inviting the world to help Japan build this global facility, the ILC clearly enjoys strong political support in Japan, where it is part of a broader effort to create a new global city. It is natural in the interim for our Japanese colleagues to seek support from the rest of the world, which would help convince their government to go ahead with such a project." Category: Feature | Tagged:

From symmetry magazine: What else could the Higgs be?

8 November 2012 According to the Standard Model, the mass of the Higgs boson should be enormous. But recent experimental results suggest it’s quite small, indicating that scientists might need to go beyond the Standard Model to explain the new particle. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

Viewpoint: Charting the future of European particle physics

8 November 2012 The original CERN convention, which was drafted nearly 60 years ago, foresaw that the organization should have a role as co-ordinator for European particle physics, as well as operating international accelerator laboratories. Today, this role is more appropriate than ever: the long lead times usually required to prepare and construct facilities and experiments for modern high-energy physics, together with the increased costs for these activities, underlie the need for a general European strategy in the field. So it was natural for CERN Council to initiate the creation of a European Strategy for Particle Physics in June 2005 and to establish dedicated groups for reviewing the scientific status and producing a proposal. They consulted widely with the community, funding agencies and policy makers in preparing the strategy document, which was adopted by Council in July 2006 during a dedicated session in Lisbon. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

From CERN Bulletin: CLIC’s three-step plan

25 October 2012 CERN's newsletter, the CERN Bulletn, reports on progress from CLIC: In early October, the CLIC collaboration published its final Conceptual Design Report. Accompanying it was a strategic summary document that describes a whole new approach to the project: developing the linear e+e− collider in three energy stages. Though CLIC’s future still depends on signs from the LHC, its new staged approach to high-energy electron-positron physics for the post-LHC era is nothing short of convincing. Category: Feature | Tagged:

Grassroots master plan includes a Higgs factory

| 27 September 2012 Some 500 particle physicists from Europe and beyond met in Cracow, Poland, in September to kick-start the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, an initiative by the CERN Council that sets the European pace for global planning and cooperation on future projects in particle physics around the world. With the recent discovery of the Higgs-like particle at the LHC, a Higgs factory is high up on the wish list. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

A trip down main linac lane

| 13 September 2012 A team at DESY has created a complete virtual-reality three-dimensional ILC. They have combined information from various computer-aided design systems and about all areas of the ILC together in one model that you can now walk through. This model can highlight problems before they become costly and is a great motivator for the owners of the individual systems. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , , , ,