
Category archive: Feature

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From CERN Courier: Advances in acceleration: the superconducting way

10 November 2011 The most ambitious future application under study is for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a 500 GeV superconducting linear accelerator. It will require 16 km of superconducting cavities operating at gradients of 31.5 MV/m. Intense research is underway to reach a high yield for high gradients: 30–40 MV/m. New vendors for niobium, for cavities and for associated components are being developed around the world. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

Is the Higgs enough?

| 10 November 2011 Few particles get as much attention today as the theorised Higgs boson, which so far has eluded detection. Whatever the outcome of the Large Hadron Collider's search for it - whether it finds a Higgs particle or not - there is still compelling physics that a future collider should explore. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

from CERN Bulletin: Detectors on the drawing board

27 October 2011 Linear collider detector developers inside and outside CERN are tackling the next generation of detector technology. While their focus has centred on high-energy linear collider detectors, their innovative concepts and designs will be applicable to any future detector. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

Onward and upward into the terascale

| 20 October 2011 Until the Large Hadron Collider tells scientists where in the energy frontier to dig for new physics, ILC researchers are preparing for eventualities. Should new physics be found to reside in a range higher than the ILC’s current reach, scientists have a energy-boosting plan in their back pocket. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

CERN balances linear collider studies

| 13 October 2011 Steinar Stapnes has assumed the title of CERN’s Linear Collider Study Leader, a newly configured position that acknowledges a call for cooperation between the ILC and the laboratory’s well established Compact Linear Collider study. His new post requires him to perform a balancing act that involves two collider concepts, roughly a hundred researchers and a finite number of Swiss francs. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,

Going with the particle flow

| 15 September 2011 Resolved that pictures of particle jets don’t have to be fuzzy or gnarled, scientists developed the particle flow algorithm, a paradigm for effectively teasing out each particle’s energy from another’s. To make it work, researchers expanded the tracking capabilities of the detector model, enabling it to measure energies with higher precision. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

The pursuit of polarised positrons

| 8 September 2011 Researchers gather in Beijing to discuss the latest and future research on positron sources for a next-generation linear collider at this year’s POSIPOL workshop. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , ,

ILC positron collaboration meeting held in Beijing

| 1 September 2011 Scientists working on the positron source for a future linear collider gather in Beijing to discuss R&D and accelerator design. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

from CERN: LHC experiments present latest results at Mumbai conference

25 August 2011 Results from the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, presented at the biennial Lepton-Photon conference in Mumbai, India, show that the elusive Higgs particle, if it exists, is running out of places to hide. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,

Welcome back, PCMAG!

| 25 August 2011 The superconducting magnet PCMAG came back to KEK on 10 August after four years of use in an experiment at the DESY test beam facility. PCMAG, which stands for persistent-current superconducting magnet, will be upgraded to be a coolant-free magnet. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,