
Tag archive: Alhambra

Impresiones from Granada

29 September 2011 Linear collider researchers meet for five days this week in the grand Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos in Granada, Spain for the second International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders. Though a few local newspaper headlines would have readers believe that LCWS11 scientists debated the true velocity of muon neutrinos, conference attendees were far more interested in the particulars of the next precision particle collider. The conference organisers and its host, Universidad de Granada, also put together a vibrant social programme that included a public lecture by LAL Orsay's François Richard titled, "Viaje al corazón de la materia," and a visit to the grand, ornate Alhambra palace. [nggallery id=4 images=47] Category: Slideshow | Tagged: , , , ,