Tag archive: CLIC08
Marc Ross | 30 October 2008
The ILC-CLIC (International Linear Collider - Compact Linear Collider Study) collaboration was started earlier this year at CERN. It consists of five working groups which are led by conveners from both projects. Collaboration mandates and activities were defined with an eye toward this autumn’s workshops: the CLIC08 workshop, held at CERN from 14 to 17 October and the ILC-LCWS08, to be held in the middle of next month in Chicago. CLIC08 was the first time the group met face to face since the collaboration and its working groups were established. The collaboration is intended to serve two basic purposes: firstly to allow a more efficient use of resources, especially engineers, and secondly to promote communication between the two project teams. Of course, face-to-face meetings tend to be more effective than tele-conferencing, so many excellent opportunities for direct, informal, discussion arose between the two teams and we made good progress toward our second purpose. Since the framework of the meeting was the CLIC08 workshop, the agenda naturally focused on CLIC challenges and plans with specific collaboration highlights having a key, but minor overall role.
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CERN, CLIC, CLIC08, ILC-CLIC collaboration
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