Tag archive: German linear collider forum
1 May 2014
This week, the German LC Forum took place at the University of Bonn. The LC Forum was initiated by the Helmholtz Alliance "Physics at the Terascale“ to provide a regular discussion platform for all aspects of linear colliders – accelerator, detectors, physics. The meeting was held in the Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics and yielded lively discussion, also in preparation of the American Linear Collider Workshop. Among the focus topics were for example beam polarisation, characterisation of dark matter particles at the ILC, and recent results on LC detector R&D.
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German linear collider forum, polarisation
Barbara Warmbein | 15 July 2010
Some ideas are so good that you have to export them when you move from one country to the other. This is especially the case in a global project like the ILC, where three regions and people from all over the place work together to make sure that whatever the LHC will find, the next generation of particle accelerators can study in detail. So when theorist Gudrid Moortgat-Pick moved from Durham, UK, to Hamburg, Germany, she took the concept of the interdisciplinary linear collider forum with her to create it in Germany. The first meeting of the new working group took place at DESY in June.
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DESY, German Helmholtz Alliance, German linear collider forum, Germany
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