Tag archive: ILC R&D
Barry Barish | 19 June 2008
The R&D plan outlines our strategy to advance the ILC design effort to the point where we will be ready to propose a robust construction project in a few years.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC R&D, R&D Plan, schedule, TDP, Technical Design Phase
Barry Barish | 15 May 2008
The coordination of superconducting radiofrequency R&D is central to the Global Design Effort's mission of bringing the design for the ILC to the point we can make a robust proposal to our governments.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cavity processing, cavity testing, Fermilab, ILC R&D, KEK, plug compatibility, S1-global, SCRF, STF
Barry Barish | 22 March 2007
ILC R&D on superconducting RF technology is of special importance because it represents our central technology, and it is an area where we are forging the way for future accelerators that will employ this forward-looking technology.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, Cornell University, ILC baseline, ILC R&D, re-entrant cavity, SRF technology, Superconducting RF, United States
Barry Barish | 2 February 2006
A decade or so ago, the thought of building a TeV scale linear collider was pretty much just a romantic notion. The long extrapolations from present accelerators and from proven technologies were daunting.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILC R&D, R&D board
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