Tag archive: interim report
Barry Barish | 20 August 2015
As is appropriate for an anniversary issue, this week's Director's Corner is authored by Barry Barish, who led the project from its conception in 2005 through major milestones up to the publication of the Technical Design report in 2013 and the formation of the Linear Collider Collaboration. He looks back at past achievements and advises the linear community to remain very, very patient.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
DOE, interim report, LCC, MEXT, RDR, SCRF, siting, Snowmass, TDR
Barry Barish | 21 July 2011
Following the recent release of the ILC accelerator interim report, The International Linear Collider: A Technical Progress Report, we have received positive and encouraging responses from the chairman and other members of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee, our scientific oversight committee. This interim report is a useful summary of our ILC R&D programme and accomplishments to date, in preparation for the ILC Technical Design Report, which we are on track to complete by the end of 2012.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILCSC, interim report, TDR, Technical Design Report
Barry Barish | 16 June 2011
We have reached the midpoint in the ILC R&D efforts towards the Technical Design Report. In recognition of that milestone, we release today a new report entitled International Linear Collider: A Technical Progress Report. This report gives a comprehensive summary of the major accomplishments to date of the ILC R&D programmes.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ICFA, ILCSC, interim report, LHC, R&D programme, TDP-1, TDR, Technical Design Phase
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