
Tag archive: particle simulation

Marking our progress – Detailed Baseline Design report

| 17 May 2012 During ACFA KILC12 workshop in Daegu last month ILC, the International Detector Advisory Group gave useful insight and recommendations to the Detailed Baseline Design report working group, paving the way to the report completion by the end of 2012. Category: Research Director's Report | Tagged: , ,

LCIO 2.0 improves simulation coordination

| 8 December 2011 A new version of linear collider data storage software was released this past autumn to accommodate detector scientists' increasing sophistication in simulating particle events. LCIO (the name comes from 'linear collider input/output') continues to facilitate agreement among the world's linear collider groups with a common event data model and file format for data exchange. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

Bridging Theory, Experiment, LHC and ILC

| 4 January 2007 A new team of young researchers based at DESY will start building more bridges between theory and experiment and between LHC and ILC in May (next year). Philip Bechtle, currently a post-doc at the BaBar experiment at SLAC, has just received approval and a budget for his "Young Investigators Group" from the Helmholtz Association, the largest scientific organisation in Germany spanning 15 research centres, including DESY. Bechtle, one post doc and four PhD students will delve deep into the subject "Terascale Physics: From Data Taking at LHC to Understanding at ILC." Category: Feature | Tagged:

Algorithms Flow at Detector Simulation Workshop

| 2 February 2006 Last month in Boulder, Colorado, about 30 scientists shared ideas and worked together on software problems at the American Linear Collider Physics Group Detector Simulation Workshop. Category: Feature | Tagged: , ,