Tag archive: SLC
Barry Barish | 13 September 2012
SLAC has had a remarkable first 50 years, which were celebrated in a special event this past month. Although the theme of that event focused on the next 50 years, the achievements of the past inform the future plans and prospects. In that regard, the physics achievements of SLAC were duly noted at the event because the American Physical Society named it an APS Historic Site and awarded the lab a plaque.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
anniversary, APS, SLAC, SLC
Sakue Yamada | 5 July 2012
We in the ILC Research Directorate are thrilled with the announcement from CERN this week that a Higgs-like particle has been discovered. The Higgs particle has been a target of our experiments for over decades, and the affirming news from LHC finally means a great step forward. I wish to congratulate CERN and all physicists who contributed to this success.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
DBD, detectors, Higgs, LEP, LHC, SLC, Tevatron
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