
Tag archive: 3D model

The great ILC flythrough: a trailer

| 25 October 2012 Coming soon to YouTube channels near you: a complete video tour of the ILC, based on all available CAD data. Road signs have been added for orientation, and a voiceover will explain what you see, and why it looks the way it does. Stay tuned! Category: Video of the week | Tagged: ,

A trip down main linac lane

| 13 September 2012 A team at DESY has created a complete virtual-reality three-dimensional ILC. They have combined information from various computer-aided design systems and about all areas of the ILC together in one model that you can now walk through. This model can highlight problems before they become costly and is a great motivator for the owners of the individual systems. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , , , ,

Virtual tunnel

22 September 2011 DESY's Information Management, Processes, Projects (IPP) group continued their design integration activities for the ILC and managed to automatically generate simple three-dimensional models from lattice files, obtaining a 3-D model of the entire accelerator. Tunnel and infrastructure models can be added where available to get an early preview of the facility. More images can be seen at the LCWS11 conference in Granada. Category: Image of the week | Tagged: , ,

Let me not to the marriage of three CADs…

| 23 April 2009 In order to have a detailed and visual model of the ILC tunnels, shafts, accelerator components, beam pipes and support lines, a team from around the world has just shown that they can produce three-dimensional ILC models. These will be crucial for efficient future planning and integration and will now be extended to other areas than the one of the sample exercise. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,