13 October 2011
CERN Director General Rolf Heuer, Fermilab Director Pier Oddone and KEK Director General Atsuto Suzuki discuss the state of high-energy physics at the Geneva Press Club's press conference of the International Committee on Future Accelerators. The lab directors begin directly addressing the press at 6'44.
Video of the week | Tagged:
6 October 2011
The Tevatron again and again did the impossible. It was the world’s first superconducting synchrotron. It required the development of the world’s most intense, consistent source of antiprotons. It eventually operated 300 times beyond its original design capabilities.
Around the World | Tagged:
Fermilab, Tevatron
6 October 2011
Eckhard Elsen, Karsten Buesser and Klaus Sinram take a Segway tour of Granada, Spain.
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29 September 2011
Linear collider researchers meet for five days this week in the grand Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos in Granada, Spain for the second International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders. Though a few local newspaper headlines would have readers believe that LCWS11 scientists debated the true velocity of muon neutrinos, conference attendees were far more interested in the particulars of the next precision particle collider. The conference organisers and its host, Universidad de Granada, also put together a vibrant social programme that included a public lecture by LAL Orsay's François Richard titled, "Viaje al corazón de la materia," and a visit to the grand, ornate Alhambra palace. [nggallery id=4 images=47]
Slideshow | Tagged:
Alhambra, Granada, LCWS, LCWS11, Spain
22 September 2011
DESY's Information Management, Processes, Projects (IPP) group continued their design integration activities for the ILC and managed to automatically generate simple three-dimensional models from lattice files, obtaining a 3-D model of the entire accelerator. Tunnel and infrastructure models can be added where available to get an early preview of the facility. More images can be seen at the LCWS11 conference in Granada.
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3D model, DESY, tunnel
15 September 2011
Brian Foster, Global Design Effort European Regional Director, recently began his tenure at DESY and the University of Hamburg as a recipient of the Alexander von Humboldt professorship. View this seven-minute video to learn about his research plans at DESY, the University and for the ILC.
Video of the week | Tagged:
DESY, Humboldt Professorship
8 September 2011
Participants in the SUSY 2011 conference, held from 28 August to 3 September at Fermilab.
Image of the week | Tagged:
GDE Project Managers, IPAC, IPAC 2011
1 September 2011
Kaoru Yokoya takes in Zhuanti calligraphy, one of China’s ancient fonts, at the National Art Museum of China during the social event for the POSIPOL 2011 workshop.
Image of the week | Tagged:
China, PosiPol
25 August 2011
CERN scientists and a group at Max Planck Institute in Munich are together working on ASACUSA, a new experiment that uses antiprotonic helium atoms to more precisely measure the mass of the antiproton.
Video of the week | Tagged:
antimatter, ASACUSA, CERN
25 August 2011
Results from the ATLAS and CMS collaborations, presented at the biennial Lepton-Photon conference in Mumbai, India, show that the elusive Higgs particle, if it exists, is running out of places to hide.
Feature | Tagged:
Higgs, Lepton Photon Symposium, LHC
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