25 June 2015
At a recent symposium about the proposed International Linear Collider, Symmetry chatted with Masanori Yamauchi, the new director-general of KEK, Japan’s high-energy accelerator research organization. Yamauchi, who received his PhD in physics at the University of Tokyo, has been at the laboratory for more than 30 years.
11 June 2015
Gerard 't Hooft and Steven Weinberg speak in favour of the expected precision results a linear collider would bring, joining the #mylinearcollider video campaign from their offices in the Netherlands and at the University of Texas. They point out the benefits the project would bring not only to the host, but to the world of science and humanity in general, and Weinberg advocates Japan as the host site for the project.
Video of the week | Tagged:
Japan, mylinearcollider, Nobel prize, precision, site
11 June 2015
On 3 June, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN started delivering physics data for the first time in 27 months at the record energy of 13 TeV. This marks the start of season 2 at the LHC, opening the way to new discoveries. The LHC will now run round the clock for the next three years."Run 2 of the LHC can well decide the future of the field. I’m super excited!" said LCC deputy director and theorist Hitoshi Murayama on the day.
Image of the week | Tagged:
13TeV, CERN, Higgs, LHC, supersymmetry
14 May 2015
Nobel laureates Toshihide Maskawa, Masatoshi Koshiba, David Gross and Burton Richter join the #mylinearcollider campaign. Plus as a little bonus a compilation of some of the videos collected during the campaign so far. Can you find yourself?
Video of the week | Tagged:
mylinearcollider, Nobel prize
14 May 2015
The people of Iwate prefecture in northern Japan – the potential future home of the ILC – go to great lengths to show their support for the collider project. Banners under cherry blossoms and bumper stickers are just a few of the many examples of visible support – here are a few impressions from a recent visit of the interaction collaboration to the region.
Image of the week | Tagged:
community work, ILC site, Japan, Kitakami
14 May 2015
At the ILC Tokyo Symposium, held on April 22, 2015 at the Ito International Hall in Tokyo, Japan, members of the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) issued a statement confirming their conviction of the scientific justification for a prompt realization of the International Linear Collider (ILC). The event included more than 300 global participants from the Asian Linear Collider Workshop (ALCW) 2015, members of the high-energy physics community, government officials, ambassadors and members of the press.
30 April 2015
At the ILC Tokyo Symposium, held on 22 April 2015 at the Ito International Hall, Tokyo, Japan, the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) and the more than 300 participants from around the world at the Asian Linear Collider Workshop (ALCW) 2015 decided to issue a statement confirming their conviction of the scientific justification for a prompt realisation of the International Linear Collider (ILC).
Feature | Tagged:
AAA, ALCW2015, Asia, Japan, physics case, Tokyo Statement
30 April 2015
Vertical shafts instead of slanted ones, news from the detector concepts, familiar and new faces and a lot of exchange – that's nowhere near a summary of a week of discussions between some 300 linear collider experts from around the world... but it's a start. Look at a selection of photos in this photo album for some impressions, also of the political event in Tokyo on 22 April, and check the ALCW2015 page for all pictures.
Image of the week | Tagged:
ALCW2015, Tokyo Statement, Tokyo Symposium
Image: CERN | 16 April 2015
6.5 TeV in a circulating beam! Since the LHC's restart on 5 April after its log shutdown, operations have gone smoothly in the world's most powerful particle accelerator. Since 10 April, the machine is holder of a new energy record (breaking the record it set itself), accelerating proton beams up to 6.5 TeV. According to CERN, the operators are now taking a 'softly, softly' approach, increasing little by little the number of bunches in the beams.They expect first low-energy collision in the coming weeks and the greatly-expected 13-TeV collisions sometime in June. Video: relive the LHC restart | Read more about the record
Image of the week | Tagged:
LHC, particle collisions, restart
2 April 2015
Fermilab's advanced superconducting test accelerator was built to take advantage of SRF technology accelerator research and development. Last week, after more than seven years of planning and building by scientists and engineers, the accelerator has delivered its first beam.
Around the World | Tagged:
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