
Author archive: Rika Takahashi

KEK changes organisational structure towards realisation of the ILC

| 28 April 2016 With the future in mind, Japan's High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation, KEK has made a change to its organisational structure regarding the ILC project. By doing so, KEK is getting ready for the "green light" from Japanese government. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

Big science needs international partnership

| 24 March 2016 After a strategic US-Japan meeting earlier this year, the delegates from Japan recently briefed their colleagues on the outcome of the various discussions. The US and Japan have strong ties in science and technology, and the ILC plays an important role. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , ,

Directors from major particle physics labs meet Japanese journalists

| 10 March 2016 On 26 February, members of the ICFA gathered in a conference room in Tokyo, Japan, for the press conference, explaining the status of accelerator science in the world. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , , ,

KEK’s science comic features the ILC

| 10 March 2016 LC NewsLine will provide English versions of KEK's science comic "Kasoku Kids" from this issue. The comic exists since 2008, but this new series has a new protagonist: the ILC. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

KEK issues action plan for the International Linear Collider

| 14 January 2016 Japan's KEK laboratory took a step forward to realise the International Linear Collider on 6 January, issuing a “KEK-ILC Action Plan”. This plan blueprints how KEK should start its preparation towards the ILC when the Japanese government gives its green light for the project. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

New working group toward ILC in Japan meets for the first time

| 10 December 2015 Getting the best people from all over the world is one of the biggest challenges to realise the International Linear Collider, the next-generation electron-positron collider. That’s why there’s a new working group on human resources, called into being by Japan’s ILC Advisory Panel, to tackle the issue before the ILC has even been approved. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

Quench your thirst for the ILC

| 10 December 2015 Pin badges, flags and banners, paper folders, cakes... There are various promotional goods produced by kind supporters for the ILC. Now, we have ILC Coke!

Future accelerator scientists’ fulfilling twelve days

| 12 November 2015 Counting down to the ski season, still off-season Whistler, in British Columbia, Canada, was an ideal place for student to concentrate on the study for the 9th International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders.

Linear Collider Collaboration published Progress Report for the ILC

| 29 October 2015 The ILC Progress Report is a document outlining the technical progress after the publication of the Technical Design Report (TDR) in 2013. It contains the information regarding the progress in civil engineering studies, accelerator hardware design/development updates, accelerator system layout updates, integration/test facilities to be prepared for “hub-laboratory functioning, and updated project implementation plan, and further preparatory work. Category: Feature | Tagged: , , , ,

Japan’s expert panel for the ILC has published its summary report

| 6 August 2015 Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has released its summary report of the discussions by the expert panel (ILC Advisory Panel) to investigate various issues regarding the ILC. Category: Feature | Tagged: ,