
Category archive: Around the World

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Prime Minister gives address at the ILC symposium in Japan

| 19 December 2011 Prime Minister of Japan Yoshihiko Noda gave a speech at the ILC symposium held in Tokyo last Thursday on the ILC's potential to enrich our lives. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

CM2 assembly nearly complete

| 15 December 2011 Fermilab will soon begin operating CM2, a significant advancement in work on superconducting radiofrequency research that will serve the ILC community and Fermilab in building and operating future accelerators. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , ,

From iSGTW: New accelerators, now just a CLIC away

1 December 2011 The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) team at CERN are investigating the potential of a new kind of particle accelerator, and to help them they are simulating their designs using grid resources, such the UK computing grid for particle physics, GridPP. They build a customised version of the DIRAC system, called ILCDirac, a grid environment for both CLIC and similar experiments which is aimed at benefitting the entire linear collider community. Read the full article in International Science Grid This Week This is an edited version of an article that first appeared on the GridPP website Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

The multiplying effects of an accelerator economy

| 3 November 2011 A company in Lansing, US is developing accelerator cavities for the ILC. In the course of improving these high-tech devices, it has enhanced its expertise in developing them for other areas of science and, as an added benefit, sustaining the technology R&D. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , ,

Hungry for science

| 3 November 2011 Last Saturday’s Open Day and Science Night at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, attracted more than 13 000 visitors. The lab presented its many fields of research, including the ILC, in a tent outside the entrance to the HERA accelerator tunnel. ILC detector developers and accelerator experts explained what the project is all about. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

Proposing a fishcake shape

| 27 October 2011 Kamaboko is a type of Japanese fishcake with a distinctive loaf shape, usually served sliced thin with dipping sauce such as soy sauce and wasabi or as a topping for noodles. It is also the shape of the newly proposed ILC tunnel design for an Asian mountain site. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

Globetrotters made of niobium

| 13 October 2011 The European XFEL X-ray laser in Hamburg will use accelerator modules of the newest generation. These high-tech devices are operated using superconducting technology at temperatures similar to those in outer space. The concept was developed and brought to practical application by the international TESLA collaboration, led by DESY. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

From Fermilab Today: Staff and users celebrated the Tevatron’s last beam – Sept. 30

6 October 2011 The Tevatron again and again did the impossible. It was the world’s first superconducting synchrotron. It required the development of the world’s most intense, consistent source of antiprotons. It eventually operated 300 times beyond its original design capabilities. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

Spanish journey to the heart of matter

| 6 October 2011 With the news of superluminous neutrinos in the air, the residents of Granada, Spain were primed and ready to learn more about the strange world of particles from François Richard, who gave a public lecture during the week of this year’s international workshop on linear colliders. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , ,

Industry meets accelerator scientists in Spain for IPAC11

| 29 September 2011 The worldwide accelerator community gathered at San Sebastián, Spain for the second International Particle Accelerator Conference. Besides being the annual rendez-vous of accelerator scientists and engineers from around the world, it is also a very good opportunity for them to meet with the industry. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,