
Category archive: Around the World

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From CERN: CERN management confirms new LHC restart schedule

12 February 2009 Geneva, 9 February 2009. CERN management today confirmed the restart schedule for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) resulting from the recommendations from last week’s Chamonix workshop. The new schedule foresees first beams in the LHC at the end of September this year, with collisions following in late October. A short technical stop has also been foreseen over the Christmas period. The LHC will then run through to autumn next year, ensuring that the experiments have adequate data to carry out their first new physics analyses and have results to announce in 2010. The new schedule also permits the possible collisions of lead ions in 2010. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

From Jefferson Lab News: ILC treatment of JLab cavity garners exciting result

5 February 2009 For the last few years, Jefferson Lab staff members have used the lab's unique facilities to test various accelerator components for a proposed next-generation collider, the International Linear Collider. Reminiscent of a stack of doughnuts, accelerator components called cavities energize particles for use in experiments that explore the smallest bits of matter. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

Korea to build new science and business city

| 29 January 2009 Since the leadership of its President Lee Myung-bak, Korea has placed high value on science and technology. On 13 January, the government officially signed a contract for a big project to build an international science and business belt that includes the establishment of a new institute, the Asian Basic Science Institute (ABSI), and the construction of a Rare Isotope Accelerator. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

From symmetry breaking: Project X collaboration forms, experiment moves forward

15 January 2009 Project X, a Fermilab-hosted international accelerator facility, could break ground as soon as 2013. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

Harmonics of acceleration

| 8 January 2009 The majority of NewsLine readers are scientists – most of you of the experimental kind. So be honest: how often during the last few weeks, when listening to carols, plucking the strings of your old guitar that you only get out during the holidays or cringing at a dissonant brass band, did you think about the physics and the maths of music? Go to the ILCT-MDB Horizontal Test Stand at Fermilab now and you can experience a perfect third harmonic: that of a string of cavities being tested and assembled into a cryomodule. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , ,

From CERN Courier: Viewpoint: SRF technology comes full circle

26 November 2008 Nearly a half-century ago, researchers at Stanford University began investigating superconducting RF (SRF) acceleration. They would not have been surprised to learn that by 1994, SRF had come into large-scale use in Jefferson Lab's Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility, or that by 2008 it was planned as the enormous, ultra-cold, dynamic-but-delicate heart of the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC). Nor would they be surprised to learn that this complex technology's challenges nevertheless continue to vex accelerator builders. In my view, it's time for the accelerator community to go back to where the pioneers at Stanford began, hit the pause button, and take a careful look at more than four decades of SRF R&D. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

Understanding something new interview with Makoto Kobayashi

| 26 November 2008 This interview was originally done for November issue of the "ILC Tsushin", the Japanese newsletter for non-scientific readers. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

Under pressure

| 13 November 2008 The time projection chamber is part of the tracker system of a future ILD detector at the ILC and will one day reproduce highly precise tracks of the particles that passed through its gas. A plot of all the tracks leading to a workshop called ‘the tent’ on the DESY campus would make for an interesting event display: in the course of the last weeks many parts for the detector prototype arrived from destinations around the world, together with their experts. While field cage, cathode and module dummies came from Germany, the anode endplate travelled all the way from Cornell University in the States. France brought a Micromegas readout module, Belgium contributed the trigger logic and the Netherlands the beam trigger equipment for the coming test with cosmic rays or test beam. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , ,

FLASH under ILC charge – almost

| 6 November 2008 More than 1034 times per second per square centimetre — that’s how often electrons and positrons are supposed to collide in the ILC. The project’s accelerator experts have no doubts that it can be done, but they have to demonstrate it, too. An important proof is to run ILC-like beam conditions through a radiofrequency (RF) unit that consists of one klystron and 26 superconducting cavities housed in three cryomodules. Running ILC-like beam conditions means running the cavities at their gradient limits and with 800-microsecond beam pulses with an average current of about nine milliamperes (or mA). The FLASH accelerator at DESY is capable of approaching these ILC-like beam conditions, but they are at the design limits of the machine and are well beyond typical operating conditions. An international team with members from DESY, FNAL, SLAC, KEK, and Argonne have come together for a series of tests that wants to drive an ILC-like beam through FLASH. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

SiD freezes its global parameters

16 October 2008 The third SiD Workshop this year, hosted from 17 to 19 September by the University of Colorado at Boulder, marked an important milestone on SiD's way to the Letter of Intent (LOI): the collaboration froze its detector’s global parameters. The meeting was opened by Barry Barish, who reminded everyone that the "science remains the key to ultimate success" of the ILC programme and that detector development was critical. Given the difficult times for ILC funding both for accelerators and detectors, the meeting included updates on the current funding situation worldwide and on the status in France, Japan, the UK and the US. SiD additionally invited two guest speakers, Howard Nicholson from the US Department of Energy Office of High Energy Physics and Marvin Goldberg from the National Science Foundation, to give the audience an update of the US situation and the view from Washington. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,