
Category archive: Director’s Corner

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CERN Council Open Symposium on the Update of European Strategy for Particle Physics

and | 30 May 2019 Six hundred (600) particle physicists gathered for discussions of the physics case for various options on the future of particle physics. This process to update the European Strategy for Particle Physics is mandated by the CERN Council every 6 or 7 years and this is the third time. In addition to people in Europe, there was a substantial participation from other regions, including the Americas, Asia, and Oceania. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

A linear collider strategy

| 10 May 2019 The linear collider community met in Lausanne in April. The main points discussed concerning implementation of a linear collider as the next large international accelerator project are summarised in a document ready for download. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Decision on the International Linear Collider: “Not what we had hoped for but progress nevertheless”

14 March 2019 “Today we did not get the green light we hoped for, but nevertheless there was a significant step forward with a strong political statement and, for the first time, a declaration of interest in further discussions by a senior member of the executive. We will continue to push hard, ” said Lyn Evans, Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

LCWS2018: preparing for ILC realisation

| 4 October 2018 An ILC with collisions at 250 GeV is an “enormously exciting” first phase of the project, says the Linear Collider Collaboration’s Associate Director for Physics and Detectors, Jim Brau of the University of Oregon. Awaiting ILC project reviews in Japan while planning the next community meeting, LCWS2018, he explains how the Fermilab history of energy upgrades after successful and innovative management and operation could serve as a model for the ILC. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

Towards the realization of the International Linear Collider, an update

| 31 May 2018 The 2018 Asian Linear Collider Workshop (ALCW2018) is being held in Fukuoka, Japan from 28 May to 1 June. At the meeting a statement was unanimously endorsed stressing the scientific importance of the ILC and urging the Japanese government to declare interest in hosting the project. A decision is now urgent because the European Strategy Group, which supported European participation in the ILC in the last update in 2013, needs input by the end of 2018 if the Project is to be integrated into their report. The Fukuoka declaration follows. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

The ILC at 250 GeV: an overview of options

| 5 April 2018 Shinichiro Michizono, Associate Director for the ILC in the Linear Collider Collaboration, takes a look at the proposed 250-GeV ILC from an accelerator expert’s point of view. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

ILC250 Higgs factory: ready for launch!

| 1 March 2018 The ILC with a collision energy of 250 GeV in its initial stage will be a proper Higgs factory, producing half a million nearly background-free Higgs particles over the course of a decade for true model-independent Higgs studies, as well as other SM tests and searches for other, new particles. "Bring them on," says Jim Brau, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the Linear Collider Collaboration. "We are ready." Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

Preparing for the update

| 1 February 2018 With input to the update of the European Strategy for Particle Phyics due by the end of the year, the linear collider community has its goals clearly defined: progress on the political level and on technology. Steinar Stapnes gives an overview. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

We are back!

| 14 December 2017 A lot has happened since our last issue of NewsLine, most notably the ICFA-supported option of a 250-GeV ILC, and a Nobel Prize for Barry Barish. Lyn Evans reports on the statement issued by ICFA and what a 250-GeV ILC would mean for the project. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

It’s all about respect

| 16 February 2017 Our particle physics community is a model of peaceful collaboration, independent of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. In today’s world, where gender discrimination and racism are becoming more and more prevalent, we should pride ourselves on our community’s role model status. Let's make sure that our own high standards do not slip. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,