
Category archive: Director’s Corner

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The first Project Advisory Committee review

| 6 November 2008 As we move forward in the Technical Design Phase, a new review process is being developed with two principle elements: a primarily internal review process for ongoing in-depth technical reviews and an external review process for accountability and high-level reviewing. Our external reviewers who report to the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC), the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) chaired by Jean-Eudes Augustin, held their first meeting in Paris in early October and have now released their first report. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

Progress in the SCRF technical area

| 30 October 2008 As one of Project Managers for the ILC I was been given the current task of overseeing superconducting radiofrequency technology (SCRF) in August 2007, and it may be a good time to see how our SCRF technical area could make some progress with global cooperation. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

2nd Asia ILC R&D Seminar

| 23 October 2008 The ILC Global Design Effort is structured around a regional organisation, where we have regional directors, a regionally supported common fund. We rotate our more general meetings between Asian, the Americas and Europe. It is equally important that we carry out coherent regional technical programmes, and regional technical meetings are an important step in that direction. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

Progress and plans for ILC R&D at JLab

| 16 October 2008 Jefferson Laboratory (JLab) in Newport News, Virginia is a major DoE laboratory for Nuclear Physics. The laboratory has a pioneering 6 GeV electron accelerator that is based on superconducting RF accelerating technology. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , ,

Preparations for S1-global at the STF at KEK

| 9 October 2008 Research and development on superconducting radiofrequency (rf) cavities, cryomodules and operational units is at the core of our programme to develop the technologies, the best possible machine design and an implementation plan for the ILC. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , ,

Achieving tiny beam spot sizes with ATF2

| 2 October 2008 The ILC's beams pass through each accelerating element once before they are directed to collide with the beam travelling in the opposite direction. This poses the two main challenges in the ILC: to achieve a very high gradient in the accelerator in order to make it as short as possible while achieving the desired energy, and to achieve very small beam spots to maximise the probability of collisions by the crossing beams. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

It is that time of the year again

| 25 September 2008 Given the arcane nature of the US budgetary system, I will describe this process, since the resources available to us, or the lack thereof, serve to drive the scope of the US ILC R&D effort. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

The Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge Laboratory

| 18 September 2008 The recently completed Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) (...) project promises to move neutron science into a new era and both the execution of the project and some key technologies are of important to our efforts towards the International Linear Collider. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

US National Science and Technology Summit

| 11 September 2008 The US government policy for support of science and technology is being developed around the 2007 America Competes Act , a consensus policy to strengthen long-term US economic competitiveness through science and technology. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

High Energy Physics in Philadelphia – ICHEP 08

| 4 September 2008 The International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP), once affectionately called the Rochester Conference, is considered central in our field. It takes place every second year. This year the meeting was held at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,