
Category archive: Director’s Corner

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Developing an International Cost Estimate for the ILC

| 7 September 2006 Our GDE team has about a third of its membership from the Americas, a third from Asia and a third from Europe. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged:

Why Cost Confidentiality

| 31 August 2006 A central focus of the GDE at this time is determining the ILC cost in its present form. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

Revisiting the ILC Parameters

| 24 August 2006 An innocent looking little document entitled Parameters for the Linear Collider dated 30 September 2003 has to a large extent determined the present baseline design of the ILC. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

Happy Birthday GDE

| 17 August 2006 One year ago, most of the 49 newly appointed members of the Global Design Effort came to Snowmass, Colorado, for the International Linear Collider Workshop where they participated in our first GDE face-to-face meeting. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

More Reflections on VLCW06: The ILC Reference Design

| 10 August 2006 Last week I discussed the physics and detector part of the joint American Linear Collider Planning Group, ALCPG, and GDE workshop, VLCW06, held in Vancouver from 19-23 July. -- By Barry Barish Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: ,

Reflections on VLCW06: Physics and Detectors

| 3 August 2006 The University of British Columbia, located in beautiful Vancouver, was the venue of a joint American Linear Collider Planning Group ALCPG and GDE workshop, attended by 300 participants from 19-23 July. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Building and Testing a String of Cryomodules – a Task for S2

| 27 July 2006 An ambitious and crucial goal of the ILC R&D programme is to build and test a string of superconducting RF cryomodules that operate at or near the design gradient. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , ,

CERN Council launches European Strategy for particle physics

| 20 July 2006 A new strategy document outlining the future directions for particle physics research in Europe was approved unanimously at a special meeting of the CERN Council in Lisbon on 14 July. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , ,

Vancouver Linear Collider Workshop and GDE Meeting

| 13 July 2006 The first GDE meeting in the Americas region since the Snowmass 2005 workshop will take place next week on 19-22 July, as a joint meeting with the American Linear Collider Physics Group ALCPG at the University of British Columbia in beautiful Vancouver, Canada. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , ,

Demonstrating the ILC Accelerating Gradient

| 6 July 2006 The centerpiece of the ILC concept is the superconducting RF technology that will be used to accelerate electrons and positrons in the main linac. Category: Director's Corner | Tagged: , , , , , ,