Tag archive: common task groups
Sakue Yamada | 18 December 2008
The detector management scheme began to move in full size since the 2008 Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS08) in Chicago.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
common task groups
Sakue Yamada | 16 October 2008
Following the discussions with the representatives of the groups preparing the letters of intent (LOI) and the members of the common task groups during the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA) workshop in Warsaw, we have been working to reinforce the two common task groups, the detector R&D Panel and the Physics Panel, by inviting more members outside the LOI group community.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
common task groups
Sakue Yamada | 17 July 2008
The first meeting of International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) for the ILC detectors was held in Warsaw during the ECFA Linear Collider workshop on 9 and 10 June. There were both open and closed sessions. The closed meeting became a good chance for the IDAG members to meet with each other, the Letter-of-Intent (LOI) representatives and research directorate members in order to share their views as to what their tasks are and how the validation process can be made.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
common task groups, IDAG
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