Tag archive: cost optimisation
Shin Michizono | 5 April 2018
Shinichiro Michizono, Associate Director for the ILC in the Linear Collider Collaboration, takes a look at the proposed 250-GeV ILC from an accelerator expert’s point of view.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
250 GeV ILC, accelerator R&D, cost optimisation, polarisation, positron souce, undulator
Barry Barish | 22 September 2011
Now that the baseline for the Technical Design Report has been established, the focus is on fleshing out the details of that design and optimising it for cost, risk and performance. As a result, the costing process is being initiated. The first meeting to begin the costing effort was held at Caltech in the US, immediately following the face-to-face Executive Committee meeting in July.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost estimate, cost optimisation, RDR, TDR, Technical Design Report, value management
Gerry Dugan | 14 December 2006
One of the key technical components of the ILC damping rings is the wiggler magnet, a device consisting essentially of a series of dipole magnets of alternating polarity.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
cost optimisation, damping ring, wiggler
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