Tag archive: drive beam
Barbara Warmbein | 5 February 2015
The first prototype module of CLIC is operational in the CLIC test facility. The Compact Linear Collider Study shows that it does what it says in the acronym: a compact accelerator module, fed by high-power waveguides, cables and cooling tubes, sits elegantly on a custom-made mechanical structure that can be moved in all directions to ultra-high precision, and tests how all the little details work that turn a metal structure into a functioning accelerator module– frequency, losses, damping, acceleration, deceleration. At the CLIC test facility you see none of the heavy-duty steel pipes that characterise the dipole magnets of the LHC.
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CLIC, drive beam
Daisy Yuhas | 21 February 2013
Today is the day the two linear collider projects ILC and CLIC officially unite in the Linear Collider Collaboration. Look forward to more CLIC-related in content in LC NewsLine in the future and get into the swing with this LCpedia entry on the CLIC acceleration technology.
LCpedia | Tagged:
acceleration, CLIC, drive beam
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