Tag archive: energy recovery linac
Leah Hesla | 29 March 2012
Researchers at Cornell University's Energy Recovery Linac programme recently achieved three milestones in two months. One of them could lead to more reliable superconducting accelerator cavities.
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beam current, beam emittance, cavity diagnostic, cavity processing, cavity testing, Cornell, energy recovery linac, ERL, SRF technology
Leah Hesla | 27 January 2011
The idea behind recycling is straightforward: reuse what you have to make more of the same. Applying this concept, however, is seldom simple. In the case of Cornell University's Energy Recovery Linac (ERL), recycling energy to generate particle beams requires technological advancements that are born from decades of research. If scientists there fulfil their mission, they'll be able to use particle beams to accelerate particle beams, producing some of the brightest bunches to be made by an accelerator.
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Cornell, energy recovery linac, ERL
Barbara Warmbein | 31 July 2008
In a linear accelerator, energy conservation is not really on the achievement list. To get up to the required luminosity, accelerator experts have one chance to push the particle beams to their limits, putting much energy into the bunches, correcting, scraping and tweaking them along the way only to smash them into each other and direct the straggly remains into a dump. Not so an Energy Recovery Linac, currently at the design and first prototype stage at Cornell University. The electron beams also get dumped after one run, but before that happens, they are tricked into handing over their energy back to the superconducting machine that accelerated them.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, CESR, Cornell University, electron gun, energy recovery linac, ERL, injector
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