Tag archive: FCC
26 November 2014
CERN and the Japanese high-energy accelerator research laboratory KEK have a long history of collaboration. An agreement signed at KEK on 21 November puts this on even firmer ground: both labs will establish CERN-KEK offices to increase the collaborative effort on accelerator R&D and construction projects of mutual interest.
Feature | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, ATF, ATF2, CERN, CLIC, FCC, ILC, J-PARC, KEK, LHC upgrade
Harry Weerts | 13 November 2014
The recent ICFA seminar addressed many topics and chartered the future physics landscape to fine and, if in the further future, less fine detail, says Harry Weerts, Americas Regional Director for the Linear Collider Collaboration. But he thinks one important thing is lacking: a mechanism on how to achieve consensus on what constitutes the global programme for particle physics in the future.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CepC, CLIC, FCC, global strategy, ICFA, ILC, LHC, P5
Harry Weerts | 20 February 2014
Over the past decades, colliders have defined the energy frontier in particle physics. Currently there are four studies worldwide: ILC, CLIC, FCC and a muon collider. Each high-energy physicist can argue about which one of these should be pursued and have his/her own preference. However, considering the strategic aspect and the time scale involved in realising these machines, the ILC is the natural next energy frontier machine. Harry Weerts, Americas Regional Director for the Linear Collider Collaboration, explains why.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, energy frontier, FCC, Higgs boson, High Energy Physics, ILC, LHC, muon collider, new physics
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