Tag archive: France
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 19 July 2007
Producing intense polarised positrons for the ILC is very challenging. Stability, energy, luminosity are the key words. Parallel to the baseline studies on a helical undulator-based source (see Newsline from 19 October 2006), other groups, like the laser group at LAL (IN2P3/CNRS), Orsay (France), pursue R&D on a Compton positron source. The Orsay team recently measured an unprecedented enhancement factor of the pulsed laser beam inside their Fabry-Perot cavity. They expect bigger factors in a few months.
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France, LAL, positron source
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 10 May 2007
Even the best detector will be useless without clever reconstruction algorithms and software. On 2-4 May 2007, the ILC Software Workshop was held at LAL, Orsay (France). The whole chain of data processing was reviewed there: software framework and tools, algorithms and physics results. At the end of the workshop, DESY physicist Ties Behnke summarised that significant progress has been achieved over the past year and important performance milestones are close to being reached, even though the community is still small. Cambridge physicist Mark Thomson, finished his contribution declaring he was now convinced that Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) can meet the ILC performance goals at 500 GeV and 1 TeV.
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France, ILC Software Workshop, LAL, LCIO, software
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 5 April 2007
Before accelerating electrons and positrons, cavities need to undergo a number of treatments, such as chemical and electropolishing, the last one being baking. The standard baking procedure heats the cavity at 120°C for two days with an ultra high vacuum (UHV) requirement. These very restrictive conditions are unfortunately not appropriate for the treatment of 16,000 cavities that the ILC requires.
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cavity baking, DAPNIA, France, Saclay
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 15 March 2007
Last January, engineers from the DAPNIA laboratory in Saclay France qualified a new electropolishing facility for single cell cavities. Their first electropolished cavity reaches a promising result, above 42 MV/m (megavolts per metre) of accelerating gradient. It allows them to join the global R&D effort on these cavity treatments.
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accelerating gradient, cavity gradient, DAPNIA, France, Saclay
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 26 January 2006
The French ILC community held a SOCLE meeting (Seminar Oriented towards a Contribution to an Electron Linear Collider) in Lyon on 12-13 January 2006. More than 70 participants attended a review of the ongoing ILC detector R&D effort in CNRS/IN2P3 and CEA/DAPNIA laboratories. Future prospects and organisation aspects were discussed. Software tools dedicated to physics analyses and detector optimisation were also debated, in preparation for the Detector Conceptual Report, which will be delivered to the GDE by the end of 2006.
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CALICE, CMOS, detector R&D, France, SiLC, TPC
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