Tag archive: KCS
Leah Hesla | 3 February 2011
Though it doesn’t sound like a way to tidy up, the alliteratively named klystron cluster could be the mechanism that helps streamline the large-scale design of the ILC. Scientists at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in the US are currently developing the klystron cluster scheme, a new kind power-delivery system for radio frequency cavities that distributes power from a common conduit.
Around the World | Tagged:
KCS, klystron, klystron cluster, single tunnel, SLAC
Barry Barish | 16 December 2010
Today, I describe the second of the proposed change actions, which has been stated as follows: "We propose to change the main linac tunnel configuration to one with only a single, accelerator-enclosure tunnel, thereby eliminating the support equipment tunnel proposed in the Reference Design. We propose to develop and include in the baseline two novel High-Level RF power source and distribution schemes ("KCS" and "DRFS") that are better suited to a single-tunnel solution than the scheme proposed in the RDR. A fall-back to the RDR HLRF Technology can be adopted should the R&D on KCS or DRFS not be considered successful."
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline configuration, DRFS, ILC baseline, KCS, main linac tunnel, single tunnel
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