Tag archive: LCWS12
Barry Barish | 1 November 2012
For several years, 2012 has been anticipated as the time when progress in the field of high energy physics would enable us to clarify the priorities for future planning. The interesting LCWS12 workshop at the University of Texas brought together the elements for such planning, if not a plan. There were reports on the discovery of the Higgs-like particle at the LHC and how that might be pursued in a linear collider; there were reports on the future planning processes that are underway in Europe, Japan and the U.S. and there were reports on the progress in developing the ILC Technical Design and CLIC Conceptual Design as well as how a staged approach might be responsive to the LHC discovery.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
CLIC, ILC, LCWS12, organisation, Technical Design Report
Images: Margie Jackmack and Victor Reece | 25 October 2012
Linear Collider Workshops have broken records in the past - not only in number of parallel sessions held, but also in visitor numbers for particle slams, for example. Wednesday saw another such record: 1200 people attended Steven Weinberg's lecture at the University of Texas in Arlington, which was the public event for the LCWS12 workshop. The venue had never held so many people before.
Slideshow | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 11 October 2012
The Technical Design Report will be the culmination and final deliverable for the ILC Global Design Effort. The report will be submitted in near final form to the ILC Program Advisory Committee in November for technical review in December at KEK. The drafting of the report has been under way since last spring. The GDE Executive Committee recently performed a critical review of a second snapshot of the evolving TDR draft.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
executive committee, LCWS, LCWS12, PAC, Technical Design Report
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