Tag archive: pixel sensors
Leah Hesla | 1 March 2012
We don’t usually notice all three dimensions of a semiconductor chip. We note the intricate, maze-like circuitry imprinted onto one side or its reflective sensor surface. Rarely is attention paid to its depth, mostly because chips have so little of it. In the last five to ten years, the particle detector community has been working with the semiconductor industry to develop sensors’ minuscule depths to create technology with integrated functionalities that could be used in fields outside particle physics.
Feature | Tagged:
detector activities, detector R&D, monolithic active pixel sensors, pixel sensors
15 October 2009
What do you visualise when you are asked about a sensor? There are many sensors around us. For example, CCDs (Charge Coupled Device), which is the basis of today’s digital camera, and the technology for this year's Nobel Prize in Physics are also sensors. Thus, sensors are absolutely necessary devices for our daily life and also important technologies for the International Liner Collider. In the last years, many new sensors have been developed for the ILC, one of them being pixel sensors using Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) technology for particle detectors, under development at KEK’s Detector Technology Project Office. This sensor is expected to serve as one of the alternatives for particle sensors used in such parts as the silicon vertex detector.
Around the World | Tagged:
CMOS, detector R&D, KEK, monolithic pixel detector, pixel sensors, sensor, silicon-on-insulator, SOI technology
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