Tag archive: TDR
Barry Barish | 7 July 2011
The ILC Program Advisory Committee met at Academia Sinica in Taiwan in May. In addition to their specific recommendations, they again urged development of a strategy for the post-2012 period, following completion of the accelerator Technical Design Report.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 16 June 2011
We have reached the midpoint in the ILC R&D efforts towards the Technical Design Report. In recognition of that milestone, we release today a new report entitled International Linear Collider: A Technical Progress Report. This report gives a comprehensive summary of the major accomplishments to date of the ILC R&D programmes.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ICFA, ILCSC, interim report, LHC, R&D programme, TDP-1, TDR, Technical Design Phase
Juan Fuster | 21 April 2011
Though the road ahead is long, the ILC collaboration has made considerable strides designing the machine and its two detectors, contributing to the advancement of other fields and bringing together a global community. Now we must keep up the energy for the remaining stretch as we fulfil our mandate to deliver its technical design.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 10 February 2011
What is the ILC future programme beyond the Technical Design Report? How does the ILC project move forward if the decision on a linear collider construction project is delayed a few years? These questions and many others were addressed during the last Funding Agencies for Large Colliders meeting held on 22 January at SLAC, US.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
FALC, future, SLAC, TDR
Barry Barish | 23 September 2010
The baseline configuration for the TDR is being decided over the coming months and we are on track to complete and document the technical design by the end of 2012. ... What will happen then?
Director's Corner | Tagged:
ILCSC, PIP, TDR, Technical Design Phase
Sakue Yamada | 17 June 2010
We have gained several helpful inputs from the new system of the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) monitoring global detectors after the validation.
Research Director's Report | Tagged:
Barry Barish | 27 May 2010
[...] The first BAW will be held at KEK from 7-10 September 2010, and the second at SLAC from 18-21 January 2011. I am very much encouraging active participation from the detector community and by some of our advisory committee members both in the preparations leading up to these workshops and at the workshops, themselves.
Director's Corner | Tagged:
baseline assessment workshop, BAW, RDR, TDR
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