Tag archive: University of Strasbourg
Nikolai Promies, DESY | 16 February 2017
Every scientist can tell you about the beauty of his or her research. But while a small bump in a curve may delight particle physicists, most people just see a bunch of coloured lines. And the perfection of a complex theoretical model is evident only for a select few. Probably everybody would agree that science has made our world a better place. But who would say that it helps to make our lives more beautiful?
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art and science, IEEE, University of Strasbourg
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 8 December 2011
A group of European physicists, the PLUME collaboration, aims to prototype an ultra-light device intended to equip one of the thinnest and lightest elements at the inner heart of the ILC detectors: the vertex detector. At CERN one month ago, a full-scale prototype equipped with CMOS pixel sensors was successfully tested in beam.
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CMOS, CNRS/IN2P3, DESY, IPHC, MIMOSA-26, monolithic pixel detector, PLUME, University of Bristol, University of Oxford, University of Strasbourg, vertex detector
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