Barbara Warmbein | 5 April 2018
The planners and builders of the future ILD detector met in Ichinoseki, close to the potential future home of their high-tech masterpiece, in February to compare notes and advance the detector design.
Around the World | Tagged:
calorimeter, detector development, Ichinoseki, ILD, Iwate, software, tracker
Barbara Warmbein | 14 December 2017
Sometimes a neat line of dots on a computer screen can stand for that moment when it all comes together. A reward for years of hard work, many meetings, lots of travel and nights spent in test beam huts. At least that’s the case for a team of physicists and engineers who have spent the last years designing and testing detector components for a future linear-collider detector, the Silicon-Tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter or SiW-ECAL. During a recent test campaign at the German research lab DESY the developers came together to probe their latest detector design together with the latest sensors and all components that have been developed over the last years.
Around the World | Tagged:
AIDA-2020, CNRS/IN2P3, DESY, detector, electromagnetic calorimeter
Barbara Warmbein | 14 December 2017
Creative collisions: an art-meets-science project on the theme of dark matter presented an amazingly diverse array of artworks, including a real collider...
Image of the week | Tagged:
accelerator, art and science, DESY, open day
Barbara Warmbein | 16 February 2017
This animation, created by Rey.Hori, shows what happens when electrons and positrons collide in the ILD detector, one of the planned detectors for the future ILC. Many collisions will happen at the same time around the clock, producing a vast array of possible processes, or events. This animation shows the example of one possible collision event involving the Higgs boson. Here’s a guide to what happens in the clip.
Barbara Warmbein | 16 February 2017
Pattern recognition rules in particle physics. When particles collide, many things happen at the same time and in a very fast sequence within fractions of a second. In order to tell everyday events from rare ones, particle physicists use pattern recognition software to quickly scan and classify pictures from the collisions.
Feature | Tagged:
AIDA-2020, algorithms, ILD, MicroBooNE, neutrinos, Pandora, pattern recognition
Barbara Warmbein | 3 November 2016
While the CALICE collaboration is still busy analysing the data taken at last year’s big test campaign the team planning the hadronic calorimeter for the ILD detector are already gathering new data. This time they looked at the performance of a few prototype layers in a test beam connected to a beam telescope.
Around the World | Tagged:
beam telescope, CALICE, CNRS/LAL, DESY, detector R&D, hadronic calorimeter, Prague, Sussex
Barbara Warmbein | 8 September 2016
Summer is drawing to a close, and with it ends another season that often turns lab life on its head and has changed many people’s lives: summer student season. As the students from around the world finish off their projects, present their work to their fellow students and stock up on lab t-shirts, some leave with the certainty that they will return to do particle physics one day.
Around the World | Tagged:
AIDA, AIDA-2020, beam telescope, DESY, detector R&D, EUDET, summer students
Barbara Warmbein | 22 July 2016
Silicon detectors play a crucial role in particle detectors, both present experiment at the LHC and future experiments like the ILC. More than 80 calorimeter and silicon tracking experts attended a dedicated workshop on high-granularity silicon devices, held last month in Hamburg.
Around the World | Tagged:
Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators, AIDA-2020, ATLAS, CALICE, CERN, CMS, detector development, silicon tracking
Barbara Warmbein | 7 July 2016
A delegation from the Japan Society of Civil Engineers including its president took to Europe last month to have a look at civil engineering project for large science facilities. They visited CERN and DESY to look at past and current building projects, which they would use as a reference in case ILC is constructed in Japan.
Around the World | Tagged:
CERN, civil engineering, DESY, European XFEL, Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Barbara Warmbein | 26 May 2016
It may feel like only yesterday that the update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics was adopted, but preparations for a new one, planned for 2018/19, are already underway. Germany has now published its first conclusions from a workshop on future electron-positron colliders that are very supportive of the ILC.
Image of the week | Tagged:
CERN, CLIC, European Strategy for Particle Physics, FCC, Germany, ILC, KET
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