22 March 2022
In response to the recommendation issued by Japan’s ILC Advisory Panel which examines the ILC project for MEXT, KEK issued a statement about what steps they will take toward the realisation of the ILC.
Around the World | Tagged:
Japan, KEK, MEXT
8 February 2022
Don't ask what the ILC can do for you... because you know already that it's set to deliver collisions that might hold the answer to some of the most pressing questions in particle physics. However, there are things you can do that might help the project on the way. Watch the recording of the communication session where communicating scientists and science communicators met during last year's ILCX meeting.
19 April 2021
From neutrinos to dark matter, and from particle accelerators to gravitational wave detectors and the first light of the Universe: the ILANCE laboratory, bringing together the CNRS and the University of Tokyo, will conduct physics research at the very smallest and largest scales of our Universe.
24 December 2020
For the early-career physicists, the ILC may be the only new energy frontier accelerator in which they take a leadership role. See their enthusiasm and concern about the project.
24 December 2020
An important element of the AWLC2020 programme was the three talks by three US government representatives
25 September 2020
The International Committee for Future Accelerators announced the structure and the team members of the ILC International Development Team, to make the project one step forward.
Feature | Tagged:
ICFA, IDT, ILC, Japan, KEK, Pre-Lab
1 November 2019
Scientists gathering in Sendai, Japan, for a scientific conference about a possible future particle physics project in Japan reconfirm the scientific importance of the ILC and express their commitment to make the ILC a success.
30 May 2019
KEK’s Superconducting RF Test Facility (STF) operated the first beams during February and March 2019 and demonstrated results that satisfy the specifications for the International Linear Collider (ILC).
Around the World | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, KEK, SRF technology, superconducting cavity
30 May 2019
KEK Director General Masanori Yamauchi talks about the status of ILC in Japan at the colloquium held at Fermilab on 24 April.
Video of the week | Tagged:
Fermilab, ILC, Japan, KEK
30 May 2019
At the Linear Collider Board meeting held on 7 March at The University of Tokyo, the Ministry of Education, Sports, Culture, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan presented its views concerning the ILC project. During the presentation, MEXT expressed anticipation for establishing an International Working Group, to be led by KEK, in order to advance the discussions by domestic and international communities of researchers on issues such as international cost sharing
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