6 January 2011
31 December 2010 Frank Simon Looking back: A good Year Follow all Quantum Diaries
6 January 2011
Registration for ALCPG11 is open Registration for ALCPG11, the 2011 Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas, is now open. This workshop, jointly organised by the ALCPG and the GDE, will be held on the University of Oregon campus in Eugene from 19-23 March 2011. You will find registration details and options for accommodation on the web site. Register by February 15 for the early registration fee.
2 December 2010
The "What is it?" image of last week's ILC NewsLine is a picture-perfect example of why we now often call the calorimeter prototypes for the ILC "imaging calorimeters". To start with the solution, if you quickly want to know if you got it right: The picture shows three different types of particles in the CALICE tungsten hadron calorimeter prototype. From left to right, they are an electron, a muon and a pion. The images come from the recent test beam at CERN.
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CALICE, event display
24 November 2010
Developing and improving superconducting radio-frequency technology is an important goal for Fermilab. SRF technology allows us to conceive and plan for future accelerators, such as Project X, the ILC or the Muon Collider, or for energy production applications such as Accelerator Driven Systems. One thing that will help this goal is a new facility that we will start up next year in the Technical Division, named the Integrated Cavity Processing Apparatus.
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electropolishing, Fermilab, SRF technology
11 November 2010
The Spanish National Network for Future Linear Colliders met in Valencia, Spain on 25 and 26 October. Representatives from all Spanish groups involved in R&D activities on detectors and accelerators for future colliders, as well as physicists from theory groups, attended the meeting which showed big advancements developed in all the activities of the Spanish groups, both in accelerators and detectors. The challenge of organising the next global Linear Collider Workshop in 2011 at Granada was also very well received by the Spanish community.
Around the World | Tagged:
Europe, Spain
21 October 2010
For the first time in a meeting of this scope, this year’s International Workshop on Linear Colliders in Geneva, Switzerland, brings together researchers from both of the world's major linear collider projects: the International Linear Collider and the Compact Linear Collider. Organised by the European Committee for Future Accelerators, the conference is held at CERN and at the International Conference Centre in Geneva. Scientists discuss the status of the two machines and the physics they could uncover. Break-out sessions allow scientists to exchange ideas related to accelerator and detector technologies. Our photo album shows some impressions from the first days.
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IWLC10, photo album
14 October 2010
A sunburst image of a particle detector at Germany's DESY laboratory and a black-and-white photograph of a nuclear-physics experiment at TRIUMF in Canada have won the top prizes in the first-ever Global Particle Physics Photowalk.
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photography, photowalk
7 October 2010
At the end of 2012, the Global Design Effort (GDE) will release its Technical Design Report. At the same time, the Research Directorate (RD) and the ILC community will produce detailed baseline designs for two detectors.
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CPDG, ILCSC, Project Design Guidance
23 September 2010
After almost six months of operation, experiments at the LHC are starting to see signs of potentially new and interesting effects. In results announced by the CMS collaboration today, correlations have been observed between particles produced in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions.
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23 September 2010
Batavia, Ill.—Officials at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced today that the laboratory has started phase II of the construction of a pioneering facility to advance a technology that will be critical to the next generation of particle accelerators.
Around the World | Tagged:
ARRA, Fermilab, Recovery Act, SCRF test facility
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