29 October 2015
Live from Kitakami: the potential future host region of the ILC continues to show strong support for the project. Ichinoseki town ball boasts a new banner and an added I, and the Iwate mascots have also embraced the ILC.
Image of the week | Tagged:
Ichinoseki, ILC site, Iwate, Kitakami, support, Tohoku
15 October 2015
On October 6, 2015, KEK and the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) signed a Project Arrangement concerning high energy physics. A signing ceremony was held at the American Ambassador's Residence in the presence of H.E. Ms. Caroline Kennedy, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of U.S.A and H.E. Mr. Hakubun Shimomura, then Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The history of the U.S. - Japan cooperation program in the field of high energy physics has lasted for more than 35 years, with distinguished research outcomes and many talented researchers fostered through the project. H.E. Ms. Kennedy and H.E. Mr. Shimomura expressed admiration for fruitful cooperation between the U. S. and Japan on science and technology, mentioning meaningfulness for continuing the U. S. - Japan cooperation program in the field of high energy physics for the future. With the conclusion of this Project Arrangement between KEK and DOE, further development of cooperation in research is expected among the U.S. and Japanese institutes in the field.
17 September 2015
Working in particle physics can easily fill your day. But there's always more to life than physics – football, for example. Three core members of the linear collider management team turn out to also be hardcore fans of Sunderland Association Football Club – so much so that one of them, John Osborne, founded the Sunderland Swiss Branch. John Osborne is a civil engineer at CERN and heavily involved in the planning of tunnels for the linear collider (and other projects), while the other two are Directors in the Linear Collider Collaboration: Mike Harrison for the ILC and Brian Foster for Europe. They all come from the northeast of England, home of Sunderland football club. The Swiss branch has even made it into the Fanzine "Legion of Light"! Any more particle physics football fans out there?
Image of the week | Tagged:
civil engineering, directorate, football, LCC
3 September 2015
In the last issue we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the ILC-constituing meeting in Snowmass. For those who missed it, here's the timeline of linear collider development since 2005. We're also still collecting your personal memories of highlights from the last ten years and hopes for the next ten!
20 August 2015
Ten years ago, scientists from all over the world gathered in the picturesque town of Snowmass in the US to constitute a new global collaboration for a future particle collider called the International Linear Collider. People who had worked on several different concepts for a linear collider reshuffled to work together on the ILC and its challenging technologies. They researched, designed, tested and improved the machine's design and continue to do so to this day, hoping for a governmental go-ahead. However, the ILC is not the only concept for a collider to complement the LHC at CERN. What has happened in these ten years, and where does the project stand today?
20 August 2015
The design is clunky, but the faces look familiar: the very first issue of NewsLine was published on 18 August 2005. It had lots of live coverage from the meeting in Snowmass that more or less officially started a global R&D project for the International Linear Collider. It made scientists from different collider and R&D backgrounds work together towards the goal of eventually building the next big adventure in particle physics. Some 400 issues of ILC / LC NewsLine later the accelerator and detector designs have matured a lot, the project has experienced some ups, some downs and has taken many "important steps towards realisation," including the selection of a possible site in northern Japan. While R&D continues and the community keenly anticipates results from the LHC's run 2, the project is now at a stage where its realisation is down to political decisions rather than technological challenges. Have a look at the first edition and the archive and send us your personal memories of highlights from the last ten years ans hopes for the next ten!
Image of the week | Tagged:
accelerator R&D, detector R&D, ILC NewsLine, LC NewsLine, Snowmass, status of the project
6 August 2015
When physicists discovered the Higgs boson in 2012, they declared the Standard Model of particle physics complete; they had finally found the missing piece of the particle puzzle. And yet, many questions remain about the basic components of the universe, including: Did we find the one and only type of Higgs boson? Or are there more?
23 July 2015
Let's look back for the last Linear Collider conference held in Japan in Spring. Videos of the Tokyo Event are now available on TouTube!
Video of the week | Tagged:
ALCW2015, Asia, Japan
9 July 2015
From 1 June 2015, Japanese cable TV, Tokyo Cable Network (TCN) started to broadcast the new program "ILC Science Kids club." The program is available on YouTube with English subtitles.
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