Leah Hesla | 2 December 2010
To see one example of tunnel safety done right, scientists and engineers in the linear collider community took a tour of the Mont Blanc tunnel earlier this autumn. The road tunnel, an 11.6-kilometre thoroughfare that connects France and Italy, is a model of safety in civil engineering.
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CFS, conventional facilities and siting, tunnel
Leah Hesla | 18 November 2010
A research team at Jefferson Lab has developed its own detailed set of rules for optimal cleaning. Team members have been working on a regimen for removing imperfections and impurities from superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) niobium cavities. Their procedures, they believe, have helped create cavities that could exceed ILC 2010 performance benchmarks.
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electropolishing, JLab
Leah Hesla | 4 November 2010
Scientists led by a group at Argonne National Laboratory are bringing pictures of hadronic showers into sharper focus with the Digital Hadron Calorimeter, or DHCAL, one of several hadron calorimeter options for the ILC detector. The Argonne group began testing the device last month at the Fermilab Test Beam Facility.
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Argonne, DHCAL, Digital Hadron Calorimeter
Leah Hesla and Rika Takahashi | 28 October 2010
Fermilab and KEK scientists recently hooked up a new cavity tuning system to the various cavities in the so-called cavity-tuner zoo at KEK. This zoo, comprising eight superconducting radiofrequency cavities fabricated by four different vendors from three different regions, was the testing ground for a new development in what is called Lorentz force detuning (LFD) compensation.
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Fermilab, KEK, LFD compensation, Lorentz force detuning
Leah Hesla | 26 August 2010
Achieving resonance in a scientific collaboration is no small feat, but scientists at Fermilab, DESY and KEK have come together to do exactly that: They've improved the mechanism that keeps superconducting radio frequency cavities in tune.Members of Fermilab's Technical Division and DESY staff, with financial assistance from KEK, recently built four new tuning machines that set SRF cavities to the correct frequency and alignment. More highly automated than their predecessors, the machines save time and labor and ensure greater consistency in RF cavity quality. They work by squeezing or stretching individual cells in a nine-cell cavity and allowing all of them to perform identically and impart the same acceleration to the beam.
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cavity, DESY, Fermilab, KEK, SRF technology, tuning machine
Leah Hesla | 12 August 2010
Last May, in only two weeks' time, a team of Accelerator Division Instrumentation Department employees installed, powered, debugged and started up a brand new, home-made beam position monitoring system at KEK's Accelerator Test Facility. It worked flawlessly.
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Fermilab, KEK
Leah Hesla | 5 August 2010
Electrician Stan Kramer spent the better part of a recession-hit 2009 unemployed. Then, last March, he received the call from Arlington Electric that he was needed for a newly created job at Fermilab. Fermilab hired Arlington to do electrical work at the New Muon Laboratory with funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
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Fermilab, New Muon Laboratory, NML, Recovery Act, United States
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