Perrine Royole-Degieux | 22 July 2010
What will the ILC look like? How big is its linear accelerator? How do you describe a collision? If sometimes giving talks you are lost for words, we hope the pictures from our new animation "The ILC in one minute" will help you explain and schematise the ILC operation.
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animation, ILC animation, video
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 22 April 2010
What do the ILC and environmental protection have in common? The answer is: superconducting cavities. The European MYRRHA is an experimental facility aimed to demonstrate the technical feasibility of nuclear waste transmutation in an accelerator-driven system. The main part of the accelerator will consist in a series of superconducting cavities. At INFN Milano, Italy, a group has transferred all its experience from the TESLA Technology Collaboration and ILC for the development of elliptical proton cavities for this application. Last month, a prototype cryomodule containing one low-beta elliptical cavity was installed in dedicated test stand at the IPNO/Supratech technological platform in Orsay, France.
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INFN, Italy, Milano, MYRRHA, TESLA
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 4 March 2010
Last week, collaborators from the ILC-HiGrade European Commission Framework 7 Project gathered at CERN, Switzerland for their annual meeting. Each project work package, from cavity, coupler and tuner production to ILC governance studies, was reviewed on 25 February. The ILC-HiGrade project is conducted by six European institutions: DESY, CEA, CERN, CNRS/IN2P3, INFN and Oxford University. 'ILC-HiGrade' stands for 'International Linear Collider and High Gradient Superconducting RF-Cavities' and one of the main objectives of the proposal is a small serial production of accelerating cavities at highest gradients.
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Europe, ILC HiGrade
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 11 February 2010
Some 100 members of the International Large Detector (ILD) group gathered from 27 to 30 January 2010 in Paris, France, deep in the academic Latin Quarter area. This fourth ILD workshop was the first dedicated ILD meeting after the concept was validated in 2009 by the research directorate.
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ILD, ILD Detector
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 14 January 2010
Next march, Tiger Year, a joint meeting of the Linear Collider Workshop (LCWS10) and the International Linear Collider meeting (ILC2010) will be held from 26-30 March 2010 in Beijing, China. Three years after the ILC Reference Design Report release and the preliminary cost estimate of the machine in Beijing, the whole community of accelerator and detector physicists will gather again in China for another important step forward. “The ILC Chinese institutes are honoured and glad to host this meeting, as we expect great results from these five days,” said Jie Gao, co–chair of the local organising committee. “We hope that many of our colleagues will be able to attend.”
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Beijing, China, ILC2010, LCWS10
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 22 October 2009
Just after the ILC concept detector validation report was released, the CALICE (Calorimeter for the linear collider experiment) Collaboration met from 16 to 18 September in Lyon, France. This meeting was the place of lively discussions on the most recent test beam results and strategies for the R&D and studies for the future as the collaboration is entering now a crucial and intense new phase. It was the most attended CALICE meeting ever and nearly all participating countries were represented.
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Perrine Royole-Degieux | 24 September 2009
For the third time, the NewsLine team conducted a survey this summer. Who are our readers? Are they satisfied with the content? The survey says that you read us more often, that you are generally satisfied with the balance of the subjects and that you are enthusiastic about NewsLine's new thematic issues. However you would like to see more science and expect more stories about the connections between the ILC and other particle physics or accelerator projects.
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Perrine Royole-Degieux | 16 July 2009
Ingrid Gregor and her team will have a very busy summer. As a particle physicist, she coordinates a successful device for test beam infrastructures, the EUDET telescope, which is fully booked at CERN during the next four months. In her rare spare time, she also experiences the joys of blogging as she just joined the team of the ILC Quantum Diarists.
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DESY, EUDET, EUDET telescope
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 14 May 2009
Since the end of March, when the detector concept groups delivered their Letters of Intent, the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) has been experiencing an intense period. At TILC09 in Japan, the panel worked and interviewed the detector concept groups for three days. All sessions were closed to other participants, but ILC NewsLine wanted to know more about what happened there and understand details about the whole process of detector evaluation.
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IDAG, letter of intent, LOI
Perrine Royole-Degieux | 30 April 2009
While most of the ILC community was meeting at Tsukuba, Japan for TILC09, a new member had his first day at Fermilab. Andre Sulluchuco has just joined the team of the now five ILC communicators, taking over for Elizabeth Clements. He will closely collaborate with his partners from abroad: Rika Takahashi and Misato Hayashida in Asia, Barbara Warmbein and Perrine Royole-Degieux in Europe.
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ILC Communicators, United States
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