Rika Takahashi | 27 September 2012A week after the CERN’s announcement of the discovery of the Higgs-like particle, a group of experts in various field in Japan issued recommendations entitled Creation of Global Cities by hosting the International Linear Collider.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: Japan
Qian Pan | 20 September 2012Qian Pan, a new ILC communicator for Asia, introduces herself. Qian, who is called Peggy by all her non-Chinese colleagues, is based at IHEP in Beijing. She shares her time between the Foreign Affairs Department of IHEP and ILC communications.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: Asia, China, IHEP, ILC Communicators
13 September 2012There will be a special linear collider event during this year's IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium in Anaheim, US. Industry, accelerator experts and linear collider researchers from around the world gather to discuss technologies and possibilities.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: IEEE, LC event
30 August 2012A team at CERN has drawn inspiration from calorimetry methods developed for high-energy physics to create a new positron-emission tomography system for use in medical imaging, which they’ve dubbed AX-PET. With support from European and American laboratories, the project is reaching fruition, as initial tests confirm its promise.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: calorimeter, CERN, photon detector, SiPM, technology transfer
Rika Takahashi | 23 August 2012The Japanese high-energy physics community has now published its recommendations in English. Their report strongly endorses two large-scale projects: an early realisation of a linear collider and a large-scale neutrino detector.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: Higgs, ILC Strategy Council, Japan, KEK, neutrinos
Barbara Warmbein | 16 August 2012A new stage show based on accelerators and accelerator physics is taking off in Germany this month. Conceived by two ILC scientists at DESY, it shows the basic ingredients of a particle accelerator, complete with all the fun stuff, to schoolchildren ages 12 and up. It even gives a live audience-involving demonstration of the fundamental acceleration principle of the ILC.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: accelerator, DESY, outreach, show
9 August 2012The development of the superconducting 1.3-GHz radio-frequency test facility at NML, which would comprise three cryomodules and an electron beam to test them, suffered a setback earlier this year with the zeroing out of funds for the International Linear Collider. NML will continue to operate as a cryomodule test facility despite the zeroing out of ILC funds, explains Fermilab Director Pier Oddone in his 31-July Director's Corner.
Rika Takahashi | 2 August 2012On 30 July, a report called "Science Frontier Kyushu" was presented in the eighth meeting of a study group in Kyushu, the southernmost island of Japan. This report is indicative of the prefectures' aim in urban development to build a new international science city, which could be a hub of science research in the 21st century.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: Japan, Kyushu, siting
Leah Hesla | 26 July 2012Fermilab scientists have a new diagnostic tool that could lead to far more efficient accelerator cavities. The temperature mapping system, fitted with 576 sensors, reads the temperature of every square centimetre of cavity surface and might thus help scientists get to the bottom of the problem of why superconducting cavities dissipate much more energy than theory predicts.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: cavity temperature mapping, Cornell, Fermilab, Jefferson Lab, superconducting cavity
12 July 2012Spain was recently host to two international physics and science encounters: the 40th International Meeting on Fundamental Physics and the Cantabria Campus Nobel. While one was pivotal for the Spanish high-energy physics landscape, the other offered a unique opportunity for scientists from all ages and backgrounds to exchange ideas.
Category: Around the World | Tagged: Spain