
Category archive: Around the World

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Ni Hao!

8 February 2007 More than two hundred scientists and engineers travelled around the globe this past week to attend the 2007 Beijing ILC Workshop at IHEP. The meeting kicked off with GDE Director Barry Barish releasing the draft Reference Design Report and preliminary cost estimate to the meeting attendees. With the publication of the reference design, scientists and engineers welcomed the start of the next phase of the ILC project Category: Around the World, Slideshow | Tagged: ,

Finding a Common Language — Japan Society of Civil Engineers Announces Their ILC-Related Activities to the Press

| 25 January 2007 On 29 November last year, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) met with the press to explain the activities and present status of their ILC subcommittee, called the Technical Committee on Civil Engineering Issues for Linear Collider Project. The LC subcommittee was launched in June 2006 (See NewsLine 24 August 2006). One of the goals is an active collaboration between civil engineers and physicists to understand the civil engineering aspects for building the ILC in Japan. The subcommittee studies the necessary planning, geological survey, design, construction and maintenance phases for the project. The LC subcommittee is the first collaboration between physics and civil engineering in Japan, and it paves the way for future collaborative research or support. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

Gearing up for LCWS 07

| 11 January 2007 "The most important skill of any secretary is to know the experts. You don't have to be able to do everything yourself, but you have to know who to ask!" Ramona Matthes is a secretary at DESY and together with two colleagues and a couple of scientists form the core of the local organising committee for the Linear Collider Workshop and GDE meeting that will take place at DESY from 30 May to 4 June 2007. In physicists' terms it is far too early to even think about this meeting, but in administrative terms the organising team did well to start in August last year – organising a meeting for up to 800 people isn't done in a couple of weeks, and there are many major and minor things that all have to work once the hordes of participants arrive. With three GDE meetings each year and many others at the side, every region of the ILC has learnt this, sometimes the hard way. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

Contracts, Costing and Bid-to-Host – Oh My!

| 4 May 2006 Contracts, costing estimates and the bid-to-host process were the buzz words at the Linear Collider Forum of America industry meeting, hosted by SLAC earlier this week on 1-2 May. While the majority of the two days was dedicated to presentations about the latest ILC activities, this second meeting of the LCFOA allowed U.S. industry members to establish a stronger dialogue with the U.S. laboratories involved in the project. And even though the big questions about how much will it cost and when can proposals for contracts be submitted remain unanswered for the time being, attendees received a clear message that working with industry is essential for building the ILC. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

Caring for Asian Accelerators

30 March 2006 Shin-ichi Kurokawa works actively as Chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC), which together with ICFA has created and is overseeing activities of the Global Design Effort. But he also has another face: For more than ten years now, he has been building a closer relationship between accelerators within Asia. His concern is not only for the electron machines but also for proton machines, synchrotron radiation facilities, and eventually, neutron scattering facilities in Asian countries. Category: Around the World | Tagged:

GDE Welcomes Two New Korean Members

| 27 April 2006 The Global Design Effort used to have two Korean members, one from Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) and the other from Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL). But when a member from PAL moved to CHEP, the GDE recruited two new members, Jinhyuk Choi and Younguk Sohn of PAL, to restore balance. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

Kaoru Yokoya leads LC Office at KEK

and | 13 April 2006 As Fumihiko Takasaki steps down as the Asian Regional Director of the International Linear Collider to become the director of the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies at KEK, he also steps down as the head of the Linear Collider Promotion Office, or LC Office, at KEK. His successor at the LC Office is Kaoru Yokoya, an accelerator physicist who has been working for the linear collider for more than twenty years. Category: Around the World | Tagged:

Hosting the LCWS06

16 March 2006 Rohini Godbole of the Indian Institute of Science, who hosted the combined workshop of LCWS06 and the third Global Design Effort meeting, sees the value of combining the phenomenologists, theorists, experimentalists, accelerator physicists, and people from industry to come together in one place. Category: Around the World | Tagged: ,

Friendly Advice — KEK Publishes Interim Report on International Linear Collider

9 March 2006 When you need to make a decision, it is useful to have advice from influential people whom you trust. As the Director General of KEK, this was what Yoji Totsuka did to lead the future of high energy physics in Japan when ICFA announced the technology choice for the ILC. He set up a private ad hoc committee at KEK to discuss how Japan should play a major role in this international scientific project at an unprecedented scale.

ALCPG and GDE Announce Vancouver Linear Collider Workshop, 19-23 July 2006

16 February 2006 On behalf of the ALCPG and GDE, the Local Organising Committee of the Vancouver Linear Collider Workshop, invites you to the July 2006 joint meeting of the American Linear Collider Physics Group and the International Linear Collider Global Design Effort - organized by TRIUMF on the Campus of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Wednesday 19th to noon Sunday 23rd July. Category: Around the World | Tagged: