
Category archive: Around the World

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From SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory: Superconducting X-Ray Laser Takes Shape in Silicon Valley

1 February 2018 The first cryomodule has arrived at SLAC. Linked together and chilled to nearly absolute zero, 37 of these segments will accelerate electrons to almost the speed of light and power an upgrade to the nation’s only X-ray free-electron laser facility. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , ,

Gearing up to final form

| 14 December 2017 Sometimes a neat line of dots on a computer screen can stand for that moment when it all comes together. A reward for years of hard work, many meetings, lots of travel and nights spent in test beam huts. At least that’s the case for a team of physicists and engineers who have spent the last years designing and testing detector components for a future linear-collider detector, the Silicon-Tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter or SiW-ECAL. During a recent test campaign at the German research lab DESY the developers came together to probe their latest detector design together with the latest sensors and all components that have been developed over the last years. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , ,

Science First with the ILC- Keynote speech by Takeo Kawamura

8 December 2016 In his keynote at LCWS2016, former MEXT Minister Takeo Kawamura stressed that while fundamental research may have application in the long run, it's the science that is most important. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

German teachers get a taste of ILC R&D

| 23 November 2016 Teachers in the test beam! ILC cavitiy testing and test beam life played a major role at a recent teacher training held at DESY. It was the first time that the German lab invited high school teachers for a week focused on particle physics. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , , , , ,

ILC constructed in Tokyo’s Roppongi area

| 23 November 2016 A not-to-be-missed event in Tokyo this autumn was a 15-metre-long original art work representing the ILC. Designed by famous architect Jo Nagasaka, the exhibition was built with the help of more than 300 students in a traditional Japanese way with rammed earth. In one week, more than 40,000 enthusiastic visitors had the chance discover the ILC project in a unique way. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , ,

Calorimeter under telescope scrutiny

| 3 November 2016 While the CALICE collaboration is still busy analysing the data taken at last year’s big test campaign the team planning the hadronic calorimeter for the ILD detector are already gathering new data. This time they looked at the performance of a few prototype layers in a test beam connected to a beam telescope. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , , , ,

From Kitakami Times: Talking about 2016’s LCWS with Prof. Shinya Narita of Iwate University

20 October 2016 The editors of Kitakami Times, a newsletter about the Tohoku region and the ILC, met with Iwate University’s Professor Shinya Narita, the local head of planning for the LCWS in Morioka. He told them what’s going on, and what kind of help he’s looking for from local foreign residents.

Art explaining science with the help of the ILC

| 6 October 2016 Want to help build the International Linear Collider? This autumn, the International Linear Collider exhibition will be installed at one of the biggest art event in Tokyo. Have a go at its construction... Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , ,

See you, summer students

| 8 September 2016 Summer is drawing to a close, and with it ends another season that often turns lab life on its head and has changed many people’s lives: summer student season. As the students from around the world finish off their projects, present their work to their fellow students and stock up on lab t-shirts, some leave with the certainty that they will return to do particle physics one day. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , , ,

Bump or no bump

| 11 August 2016 High Energy Physics (HEP) has always been a field with great discoveries and the field seems to be ‘storming’ forward as some attendees of this ICHEP declared. Not only new LHC results were the center point of this conference but also the discovery of gravitational waves, new neutrino measurements and of course future facilities like the ILC and CLIC. Category: Around the World | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , ,